Chapter 38

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A/N: Ahh, the longest chapter in the entire story has now been edited to be even longer ... enjoy xx


"So this one here turns the whole system on, got it?" Andy looks at me as he points to a button on the television remote.

I nod my head, trying to remember everything he's told me so far about working the TV. I thought I could just press the ON button and it would be fine, but apparently there are a lot more settings to this specific TV than normal. "I think I got it."

He laughs at the confused expression on my face before he continues to explain where everything is in his little apartment. At this point I'm not paying attention anymore. I'm sure Harry knows how to work a television if I really feel like watching anything, and I'm pretty certain I can find whatever I need in this place if I just search a little. I'm so exhausted and still slightly hungover from last night, I might even just sleep the entire time Andy is away at his friend's birthday party. 

As he fixes his hair and steps away from the couch, I glance at the kitchen to see Harry and Maz chatting about some guy named Liam. This is probably the same Liam they were speaking of yesterday and probably the same one Harry spoke of earlier today that he didn't know where he lived. But eavesdropping on this conversation now, it seems as if he's found out this Liam guy currently resides in Las Vegas. Apparently this guy has opened a club and is doing really well over there, which would make sense because I'm sure Vegas clubs are always packed. 

I've always wondered what that city is like. Is it as crazy and exciting as people make it out to be? Is it actually really boring? I wish I could go there and find out for myself. I remember watching a season of The Real World in which they stayed in Las Vegas, and it looked like a very fun city to visit. Maybe I'll bring it up to Harry and we can make a stop over there. We will be killing two birds with one stone: I get to visit a city I haven't been to and Harry can see his friend, Liam. 

The sound of my phone beginning to ring startles me. I've barely touched it all day, I almost forgot I even had one with me. I know it's Colton calling, as he's been the only one calling and texting all day. I don't want to answer it, and seeing as my phone is across the room, I don't feel like running over and turning off the ringer. 

Andy, on the other hand, feels very differently. 

He takes it upon himself to grab my phone, staring down at the screen before looking over at me. I can see Harry sitting in the kitchen, watching Andy both nervously and curiously. If I could read his mind, I'm sure he would be urging my friend to put the device down immediately. For everyone's sake, it's best if Andy drops the phone now. Answering a call from Colton would be a disaster. Colton hates Andy, and finding out I'm currently hanging out with him would pretty much be the end of the world. 

There's a smirk across Andy's face as he stares at the screen, his thumb hovering over the answer button. It's becoming more and more obvious to me that he's going to take this call and my heart rate instantly spikes. My eyes grow wide as I nearly jump over the couch.

"Andy, no! Please don't!"

But before I can get to him, he swipes his thumb over the screen and answers the call.

"Papa Olesen! ... Yes, it's Andy! You remember me, right? ... I know, it's been so long. How's my favorite dad doing?"

He looks at me with a grin from ear to ear. My body instantly relaxes knowing it's just my dad on the line instead of Colton. My dad: Andy's number one fan. I don't know why he loves him so much. He took a liking to Andy when we were younger and in middle school. Maybe it just had to deal with the fact that Andy was over all the time, my dad thought of him as his own son. I'm an only child so I can understand why my father was keen on having a young kid around to do guy stuff. I mean, one time Andy came over just to play catch with my dad in the backyard. They threw a baseball back and forth for an hour before my dad decided to teach him how to grill burgers for lunch. It's a weird relationship. 

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