The Snowball

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"Hold still for me it's bad enough I can barely do it when your still" Hopper says as I watch as he had his tongue poked out of his mouth as he finished up the pink lip gloss he bought me and El from the store.

"Dad you'll do a good job anyway" I giggle as I see El fasten her belt out of the corner of my eye, also giggling.

It's been a month since that whole tragedy. And I mean so much has happened over the course of the month.

El, Hopper and I officially moved into this little cabin but now have the boys who come to visit regularly while Hopper goes to work in the morning. Hopper stopped coming home late and no fights have occurred.

El was now officially my sister. After Hopper had adopted her so he could take care of both of us legally it became the perfect family. I can now call El my sister and actually mean it.

Dustin has officially became my boyfriend. After one date he brought me on to the arcade he had asked me properly that day. But after a strict warning from my dad about the whole thing.

The snowball is tonight. After a year once Dustin had asked me to go with him, El and I were getting ready to go with Mike and Dustin. Joyce had bought both me and El's dresses out of her savings saying it's normal for us girls to own a dress.

"Alright lets go the night is young" Hopper says once El and I ran outside into the police van as he grabbed his hat off the rack.

"You excited?" I ask grinning at her as she clutches both of my hands into hers.

"I'm nervous" She chuckles nervously. I roll my eyes, this night is going to go perfect we just have to let it.

"Don't be nervous Jane. Everything is going to be alright. We will always have each other and dad" I say.

Once Hopper got in the van he drove us off to Hawkins Middle School. The last time I was here it didn't turn out so well. But now it was going to be great.

Once I had seen the main doors I finally realised how nervous I was too. Dustin was in there waiting for me to dance and I didn't have a clue how. As much as Hopper grabbed me and slow danced with me around the cabin it didn't help all that much. Especially since he's got two left feet.

I stepped out of the van and felt the cold breeze hit my arms straight away. I didn't wear a jacket as Hopper was waiting outside the school until we finished with Joyce.

I grabbed El's hand and pushed us through the main door after a kiss good luck from Hopper. I walked up to the main desk with a man that seemed really familiar.

I handed him the tickets Hopper had gotten both of us as he grinned and wrote the name down of both of us.

"Hope you ladies have good night" It wasn't until I headed for the main door I realised he was that teacher from last year who thought we were Mike's cousins. I'm glad he didn't recognise us.

Once we walked in I was hit with the loud sound of Music and watched as all the teenagers danced with one another. But I was looking for someone in particular. I scanned the crowd for the familiar mop of curls.

Then there he was.

He flashed me those pearly whites as he likes to call them and I grinned as I let go of El so she could go to Mike. Once face to face with him I felt at home.

"You look beautiful. Like you always do" He said. He was wearing a tux and he had his hair styled differently. It looked a lot like Steve's to me.

"Would you care to dance with me?" He said with a smirk as he held the palm of his hand out and open for me to take

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"Would you care to dance with me?" He said with a smirk as he held the palm of his hand out and open for me to take.

"It would be my pleasure" I joke back as I giggle and he chuckles. He walks me to the centre of the floor where there is an open space. 

He led my hands to his shoulders as he grabbed my waist with both of his hands. A song that was unknown to me played in the background but I didn't care all to much for it.

I cared about what was in front of me. He looked as handsome as ever. I always think how lucky I had been that I had stumbled along his path that night. Because that was night I realised what home was. And what love was.

Dustin showed me a new way life. How to love, and to give and how to appreciate things after they have gone.

He was my everything. And as he held onto me so tightly and finally found his lips back onto mine, I felt real.

Along as I'm with him.

I was home.

• So guys that is the the end of "Like Real People Do". I am so devastated to finish it already but I don't want you to worry because Fifi is most definitely coming back for season 3. I love you all so dearly and thank you for supporting the book as always. Stay amazing.

-bandersnatchs x •

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