The Gate

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•hey everyone, just letting you know that I'm doing the snowball as a separate chapter so I don't want you to worry that at the end of this chapter there is no snowball. Also a massive thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support you have given me. Thank you for putting a smile on my face x•

After everyone had greeted El with a significant amount of love I was busy worrying about the way she looked. That wasn't my El standing in front of me.

"Woah" I said walking over to her as I looked at the black eyeliner around her eyes and the leather jacket with the slick back hair.

"I found my sister. She wasn't who I thought she was" El said kind of muttering it.  I could tell she didn't want to go into detail about it.

Mike and Dustin were too busy in the other room screaming at Hopper for keeping me and El away. If flinch every now and then from Dustin shouting but I know he will feel better afterwards.

I knew what was gonna have to happen though. Me and El knew we would have to shut the gate and get rid of that thing from Will. The problem was if we didn't do it properly than Will could die.

Or we could.

I'd rather the chance of me dying than Will or El. They deserve the entire world. So I'd gladly sacrifice for the both of them.

Will had told us to shut the gate. Of course only through morse code. But if we do that he could die instantly and that's not good for anyone's mental health. So as we all stood around the table I had heard the idea of closing the gate while getting that thing out of will.

"We can do it" El and I said at the same time only to give each other a grin in the process. I ended up looking at Dustin beside me who lay his arm around my waist.

"We have no other choice than to let them" Joyce says as Jonathon wraps Will in a blanket and begins to get ready to head back to me and El's home.

I walked outside with Dustin interlaced with my hand. I turned to him before leaving to go with Hopper back to Hawkins Lab.

"Please never leave me again" He whispered. I looked into his eyes to see them watering a little. I can't let him cry.

"I'll be back to you. I will always come back to you" I said and giving him a kiss on the cheek. He held me for a little longer until I heard Hopper call my name.

"I love you Dustin" I say before running off to catch up with El. She grabbed my hand as she helped into the police truck and hopped in next to me.

I just prayed that everything was going to go the way we needed it to go. I want this all to be over and just have a normal life with my dad and El and Dustin.


"You know I'm sorry I couldn't contact you both faster. I tried" I hear Hopper say as he cuts the silence in the car. I still held El's hand and the feeling if I let go she'll float away on me.

"I'm sorry for how I acted the other night" I fess up. I never told Hopper how sorry I was for my childish behaviour and I'm glad I get to do it now in case anything did happen.

"You don't have to be sorry. You were right" He says. I widen my eyes a bit at his words. Did he think it was a good idea all along to leave?

"What's with the whole get up? You look like some MTV punk. I'm not mad kid I just wanna know where you been" He says turning his attention to El now. She lay her head against the window keeping silent.

"I went to see Mama" I see Hopper stop breathing for a little second as she said that.

"Ok, how did you get there?"

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