My Pet Fish (RIP)

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So I'ma be talking about my old pet fish! So one day me and my family went to this carnival, and there was this thing where you have to throw the ball into one of the small fish tanks. So I did get one in! (And I'm surprised because I'm was like what? 6 or 7?!) so yeh and my big bro got sad because he wanted one XD so my dad won him one also and we took them home In a free fish bowl well it wasn't really a fish bowl it was like one of those little mini houses with an opening on top. And at this time we were living with my dad's parents because we sold our house and didn't have any where else to live. And he was one of  my oldest pets and he lived for a long long time. And years later we got our new house that we still have today and he got really big. But i didn't really call him anything I would just call him fishy or Nemo (even tho he was a gold fish...) and a few years later we got another fish it was one of those Japanese fighting fish,( omg I can't believe I forgot the name...) but we didn't put them together because duh the Japanese fish fight with other fish! We did have that fish for a while I think I got it for my b-day. And years later (again..) we got these 2 other small goldfish knee was regular color and the other was like yellow like my big bros old gold fish,( but sadly his fish died when we lived with my dad's parents... R.I.P fishy,...) anyways... My fighting fish ended up dying for some weird reason idk. Thennnnn my 2 new fish got sick and killed my big one... -.- it was like 3rd grade when they all died. I came home and I didn't see my fish or the bowl and my mom told me they died. I was really sad because I had that fish for so so long...

R.I.P rest in piece fishy... We will forever remember you...

 We will forever remember you

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Bootiful.. :(

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