My Hamster

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So this is the story of my old hamster. Soooo it was almost my birthday or was it the day before my birthday? Idk but my uncle took me to Pet-Co or Pet-Smart idkkkk, and he asked me which animal I wanted, so I was looking for a small animals because my parents said so -.- so I thought of a hamster because, why not! Their SOO KAWAIIIII!!! Anyways.... I found this little brown and grey hamster and we asked the guy all about him, but he was too expensive.. So I went next to his cage and saw a white hamster, and we asked this guy all about him he said, "he is really smart and kinda mean." So I didn't see him anywhere and the guy just said he's under all this...., STUFF (idk what's it called I forgot...) and he grabbed him out but still in the cage, and I saw him and I was like." Awwwwwee I want him I want him!!." So we did end up getting him and on the way home the guy said that we can't touch him yet until he gets more used to his home. My uncle and I already bought a cage so where fine. And the weirdest thing happened... :/ I looked in his box and he looked dead... No SERIOUSLY he was like laying down with his feet everywhere!! I got scared I'm like." Umm is he ok?" My uncle just said that he was like umm I can't remember what he said Xd then we took him home and showed my parents and brothers. But I couldn't grab him yet because (I already told u..) and the next day my cousin came over and he wanted to grab it and I like." No! I don't know if we can grab him.." But he just grabbed him and the hamster did nothing. Then I grabbed him and he was ssoooo cute!!! I didn't know what to name him so I thought of snowball? But then I like."he looks like Stuart Little!" But I didn't call him that I just called him.. Well nothing :/ SOOO weeks and months passed but he was too too smart! He could climb out of his cage! And he would go somewhere around the house especially in this small home in the kitchen -.- but then like the next day I would find him and put him back in his cage. So we bought him a new cage but he STILL got out and so we tapped the opening up BUT THEN HE STILL GOT OUT! Before we put the tape I think I showed him the way to get out... Then months passed and I think a year and we had this party, at this time we had his cage in the garage for some reason :/ but he GOT OUT A FEW WEEKS AGO BEFORE THE PARTY (btw he bit a lot..) and they had the garage open because they were playing pool table and blah blah, and I think he got out... (Oh shoot..) so I never saw him again after that, we think he died or is maybe still out there being a wild hamster, who knows.

R.I.P rest in piece where ever you are... If your still out there...

 If your still out there

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(Ohh now I miss him.. :,(  )

Btw guys! Thx so much for 80 reads!!! I know it's not much but to me it's the whole world!! Just thx so so much! Bootiful

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Btw guys! Thx so much for 80 reads!!! I know it's not much but to me it's the whole world!! Just thx so so much!
Bootiful.. :1

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