[68] labels

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W A R N I N G : i do not own any copy rights to this video above. 


her hands slid up my arms causing a sensational wave to grow inside me and spew out. my eyes met her greenish blue ones and in that moment i realized just how beautiful they were--how beautiful she was. maybe i always knew--in fact, i think i did--but confessing something so new yet common even in 2017 was scary. a girl liking a girl? okay. a supposed straight girl liking another supposed straight girl? interesting. 

red's fingers traveled over the curve of my side, resting on my hip, as she swung her leg over me and started kissing the nape of my neck. my hands had a mind of their own as i gripped her ass, as we began undressing each other. neither of us spoke words, everything came out as a whisper or as nothing. some people would excuse this as two girls under the influence of drugs, too high to comprehend. too high to care.

maybe for red that was the case, but for me i was a girl making love to another girl and i liked it. i didn't know what that meant, but i did know this world would be a lot less complicated and overwhelming if there wasn't so many labels and expectations. so many "had to be's." 

what is just is, and i say that's okay. 

"i liked this," red whispered, brushing her fingers through my blonde waves, as we stared at each other in darkness. both vulnerable. both bare. 

i softly trailed my lips along her collarbone, touching her under the covers. smiling as she sighs in quivers, whispering back, "i did too" against her naked skin. 

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