[59] text two - to her

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text two - to her

i hope you know i cared about you, i really did. every day i thought, "when will we be friends again? does she even miss me? i miss her. i miss this friendship." i left him so we could be friends again, b. i left him so our friendship could finally be mended and the broken pieces could be thrown away. time would heal everything, i believed that. you didn't, though. of course i know what i had said, that it was okay if you talked to him--and it was--but for once i wanted you to choose me. choose us. this friendship. i chose this friendship. i know now that was a mistake. our friendship never was. we're just not the people we were and who we are now . . . they aren't meant to be friends again. and what i do, well, it won't be for anyone else. it'll be for me. we're all just selfish pieces of shit, huh? i think i'll grow some more, learn a lot, and i'll probably text you again. for now this is all i have to say to you.

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