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SMILING WIDLY AT the scene before me, a warm feeling settled in the pit of my stomach as I watched Sebastian attempt to flirt his way through class.

Laughing at his horrible attempts, I snickered. The sound of my laughter becoming muffled as I covered my mouth with the sleeve of my baggy jumper.

Spinning round in his seat, Sebastian and I made eye contact. Raising his eyebrows as if to ask me 'What's so funny?' I shook my head.

Breaking the gaze, I shifted my gaze elsewhere, focussing it on the piece of paper placed neatly on the desk, awaiting for my answers to be noted.

I may have looked away, but that didn't stop me from smiling.

Sighing as I'd wracked my brain for the answer, my mind went completely blank. God, I hated Biology. I couldn't quite comprehend as to why I'd even chosen to pick the subject.

Probably to expand my knowledge. At the thought, I rolled my eyes.

Distracted as I'd heard the sound of giggling, my chin raised.

Eyebrows creased in astonishment, I'd scoffed quietly.

Sebastian's heavy flirting was working! Currently, he looked to his right as he jotted down answers from the very willing girl next to him.

"Ugh." I groaned, irritated with how he'd thought flirting was the solution.

His approach to things were so much different to my own.

For one, he couldn't go a minute without flirting in any kind of way, whereas I hardly thought of myself doing such a thing.

He had people falling at his feet, and he loved that sort of attention, whereas I didn't. I much rather preferred to be behind the scenes of things; working at my matchmaking ways.

He was arrogant. I was proud. He was lazy. I was a go-getter. He was a realist. I was a dreamer. He lived in the moment. I planned every moment. He put off the idea of love. I basked in every aspect of it.

There were so many differences and very few similarities.

Not that I was meaning anything by it but just as a thought, if we were a couple; which we would never be, I don't think it would work out. It wouldn't work because it wouldn't be perfect, simply because we weren't a perfect match!


Eager to leave Biology, I darted out from my seat and made it out the classroom in record breaking time.

Speaking of Sebastian, I had to talk with him about some possible matches.

"Sebastian." Slowing down, he turned, the corner of his lip rising as he grinned.

"Hey." Walking to meet at his side, I nodded in response.

"I need to talk to you about some things." Shifting my weight from one foot to the other, he held his hand out in front of him, gesturing for us to start walking.

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