The Start to a Whole New Life

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"Wait!" Jared screamed as I began leaving the concert. "OMG! JARED IS TALKING TO ME?!" I shouted so loud the world could've exploded, but luckily it didn't. "I wanted you to have this." It was a piece of paper. I opened it up and it read, "I saw you in the audience. Being as beautiful as you are, you caught my attention and I was drawn to you like a moth to flame. You're beautiful brown eyes stared at me and I felt like I was going to collapse. There is so much life inside those eyes, that stared at me. I wanted you to know that you are beautiful. I would do anything to make you Mrs.Leto."

Tears started to pour out of my eyes like a hurricane. "I didn't mean to make you sad!" Jared exclaimed like the joker he is. I started to continuously giggle. I then turned around to look at his masculine and hot face and I started to shake. This was too much for me to handle. The love letter, and Jared even talking to me? I had to take a few moments to process all of this. Suddenly Jared's lips were on mine. I felt like I was dreaming. This can't be real can it? As I thought that I realized that if I was dreaming I wouldn't feel his lips, I would only see them. This was my moment. I was truly kissing Jared. Nothing could ruin this.

"Are you kidding me? Are you really kidding me? Don't talk to me." Shannon said as he creepily came out of a bush. "Hold on." Jared told me. "Wait Shannon!" Jared shouted while running after Shannon. I was now alone in the dark by myself. I figured if I just waited here Jared would come back in a few minutes. It was dark, and it was starting to get cold. Meanwhile Jared was attempting to console Shannon. "She was so beautiful now I don't even have a chance with her. What the hell is wrong with you? You even saw me staring at her. Then I walk over and see you guys kissing? What am I supposed to think of that? She looks like she's happier with you. You can have her I don't even care anymore. JUST GO AWAY!" Salty tears started to roll down Shannon's face. He began to wonder if he would ever have this beautiful girl. Jared would probably steal her, so he began to not care anymore. "I'm sorry, she was just so beautiful and I couldn't help myself." Came out of Jared's mouth. He was full of remorse but he loved her, so he didn't know what to think.

Suddenly a scream was heard. It was loud and it sounded like a girl. A familiar girl. "Shannon follow me! Hurry up!" Jared quietly whispered. Jared and Shannon ran as fast as their muscles could handle. "HEY? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? GET AWAY FROM HER!" Jared screamed. I was currently being mugged. The mugger was wearing a black mask and he was really tall. He was carrying a bat, and sure enough he started to wack me with it. Then, Jared got a running start and aimed his jump at the mugger. Jared was on his back. "Jared, NO!" Shannon screamed as loud as his heart could. Jared was short compared to the mugger. How was Jared going to win this fight? A huge guy against Jared. Well, sure enough Jared won. 13 punches to the face, and this mugger was black and blue. Blood was pouring out of his nose, almost as if something triggered a period in his nose. The mugger was on the ground. The mugger wasn't going to lose for nothing, so he gave me one last blow to the head, and everything went black.

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