A Gift

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The Pokemon School was having its annual Pokemon Palooza Day. Where Prof. Kukui took the students to Mount Lanakila to have a camp out and watch the sunset fall as well as watching a movie on a wide screen picture lay out connected by the mountains legendary frosted trees. 

During the movie, the class set up their sleeping bags and watched on the lush yet warm snow. Watching with the alolan sun setting upon them. 

As it hit 10:00, the movie finished and the students were told to have a good nights sleep. 

However, a student known as Ash Ketchum wasn't planning on sleeping tonight. But finding and giving a gift to his friend. 

In the middle of the night, Ash went to the van, grabbed his scarf and trusty hat and took off into a dark cavern with luminous crystals lighting it up. And went inside.

"Alright buddy. From the research Sophocles had, he told me a special Pokemon guards what we're looking for. And we gotta take it out!" Ash said to his electric mouse companion.

"Pika!" The mouse said enthusiastically. 

A bit more walking later, Ash was haulted with a fork in the road with 3 paths. Resembling a type of maze.

"Sophocles told me about this.. To get to the crystal.. a maze will challenge us and we must conquer its dangers." Ash said repeating what Sophocles said to him.

After the constant ice slipping, Carbink ice shards to the back, and the occasional falling icicles. Ash found the luminescent glowing crystal. 

"There it is buddy! The Icium Z!" Ash said reaching out to the pedestal.

Suddenly, icicles from the ceiling were falling, and a white blue Pokemon came crashing down with icicles sticking out of its back. 

"SAAANNNDD" the icy Sandslash said with its orange aura bursting out of its back.

"Totem Sandslash." Ash said remembering the Pokemon Sophocles was talking about. 

"Litten, come on out!" Ash said chucking his pokeball in the air.

"Meeeow!" The blazing cat yelled out.

"Litten, use Fire Spin!" Ash said with a furious passion.

"Lit!" The Fire cat yelled spinning in circles generating circles of flames in the air.

"SLLLASSHHH" The Totem Sandslash shrieks out loudly. 

"Litten! Watch out for the Blizzard! Retreat behind the icicles!"

Litten covers behind a small wall of icicles penetrating beneath the floor covering him from the harsh blizzard.

"Use Ember!" 

Litten spits out a powerful flame and lands it directly on Sandslash.

"SAND!" The Pokémon screamed in agony. 

"Nice one buddy!" 

Sandslashes eyes begin to rage and goes straight at Litten with some Fury Swipes.

"LITTEN!" The pokemon screams as slashes of claws are penetrating its skin. 

"Litten? Can you still fight..?" Ash said in concern. 

"L-Litten.." The cat says weakly. 

Sandslash uses Icicle Crash, shattering the ice and causing it to drift into separate paths. 

"Litten! Use Agility and skate across the ice! Then use your most powerful Fire Fang!" Ash says with a cheer.

Litten obeys dashing and hopping on the ice with quick speed. It reaches to Sandslashes platform and delivers the final blow. 

"SANNNN-" The Sandslash almost yells.

Icy dust covers the room blocking everyone's vision. 

When the dust cleared a glowing object appeared out of its pedestal. 

"Nice job Litten!" Ash said petting the cat on its head.

"Lit!" Litten said affirmatively.

"Woah.. The Icium Z!" Ash says looking at the white light blue Z Crystal. "Litten, return and take a rest! You did awesome friend."

Ash and Pikachu take the Z-Crystal and walk out of the cave and go back to the tents. 

In the morning... 

"Good morning everyone!" Ash said greeting his classmates. 

"Alola!" Prof. Kukui and the students said. 

"Hey Lillie can I see you real quick?" Ash said to his classmate.

"S-sure" Lillie said blushing. 

Walking to the top of the mountain with their coats, Ash hands Lillie the little box with some white wrapping around it. 

"Ash what's this?" Lillie said. 

"Open it!" Ash said with a smile. 

"Lillie opens the box and gasps to find a Z-Ring and an Icium Z in the box. 

"Ash! How did yo-" 

"I talked to Hala before the trip and he told me I could give this Z Ring to you based of your knowledge in the Pokemon School, and because of how you've become such a great trainer with Snowy!" Ash said excitedly. "Put it on!" 

Lillie still in shock puts on the Z-Ring and Ash installs the Icium Z into the slot. 

"Take out  Snowy!" Ash said.

"Come on our Snowy!" Lillie said with joy. 

"Vul!" The ice type yelled out.

"You ready Lillie?" Ash said holding out his fist embracing a fist bump. 

"Yea!" Lillie says bumping Ash's fist. 

"We'll do it together!"

Lillie copies Ash's movements and begins to feel a spark of joy, compassion, and friendship coursing through her body. 

A radiant aura of white begins glowing around Lillie and Vulpix. Copying Ash's movements. 

"Do it Lillie! SUBZERO SLAMMER!"

"Subzero Slammer Vulpix!!" 

A tall, vertical wall of ice emerges under Vulpixs feet. And the Pokemon launches a powerful laser of snow and ice at the tree. Once it hit an explosion of jabbing icicles exploded out of the tree and the Z-move was over. 

"Wow...." Lillie says in shock.

"Vulpix!!" Snowy said jumping to Lillie and snuggling her tightly. 

"Thank you Ash. For having the energy and friendship of being able to do this for me. It means so much." Lillie says smiling. 

"Anything for a friend! Now let's head back to camp. We gotta pack our things!" Ash says running away.

Walking down the hill, with Vulpix on her head. Lillie begins to feel a sensation of warmth when she thought about Ash. 

"Snowy. I think I have a crush on him." Lillie says to her Vulpix.

"Vul!" The Vulpix said back. 

"You're right, lets catch up to him!" Lillie said. "Last one there is a rotten slowpoke!" Lillie said teasing Ash.

"Get back here!" Ash said with a chuckle.

The two classmates ran off into the snow. And that was the end.

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