Introduction to the Family part 1

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Name: Ezra Titania Verdona Tennyson
Age; (time wise) 15, (biologically) 19
Hair color; red with brown tips
Eye color; (left) Brown, (right) Emerald green
Height; 6'7
Gender; female
Powers; requip (celestial warrior)
Personality; Kind, Timid, Brave, Protective, Smart, Mature, Well mannered.
Mother; Erza Scarlett Tennyson

Name: Kelly Elena Scarlet Tennyson
Age; 15
Hair color; Brown with red tips
Eye color; emerald green
Height; 5'4
Gender; female
Powers; Organic Omnitrix
Personality; Energetic, kind, rageful when pushed too far, likes to tinker, easily irritated by certain things.
Mother; Erza Scarlett Tennyson

Name: Kenneth Rob Kirby Tennyson
Age; 15
Hair color; brown with red tips
Eye color; emerald green
Height; 5'7
Gender; male
Powers; organic Omnitrix
Personality; energetic, kind, rageful when pushed too far, extremely athletic, irritated by certain things.
Mother; Erza Scarlett Tennyson

Name: Kelly Tennyson
Age; 15
Hair color; brown
Eye color; emerald green
Height; 5'7
Gender; female
Powers; genie magic
Personality; upbeat, sporty, nice, slightly tomboyish with a girly hint, smart.
Mother; Shantae Tennyson

Name: Danny Tennyson
Age; 7
Hair color; purple
Eye color; green
Height; 3'9
Gender; male
Powers; Alien DNA
Personality; laid back, kind hearted, easily agitated.
Mother; Shantae Tennyson

Name: Charlotte Arachnera Kurusu Tennyson
Age; 14
Hair color; brown
Eye color; Emerald Green
Height; 12'4
Gender; female
Powers; Arachne physiology, web spinning, wall crawling, Modified Chimeratrix belt.
Personality; kind, humorous, tries to help out a lot, has a habit of tying people up like her mother but only for jokes and nothing else.
Mother; Rachnera Arachnera Tennyson

Name: Selena Simpson Tennyson
Age; 13
Hair color; orange with brown tips
Eye color; emerald green
Height; 4'11
Gender; female
Powers; Omnitrix
Personality; Smart, inventive, kind hearted, easily agitated.
Mother; Sam Simpson Tennyson

Name: Clarissa Ewing Tennyson
Age; 13
Hair color; blonde with a brown streak
Eye color; emerald green
Height; 4'11
Gender; female
Powers; Omnitrix
Personality; boy crazy, fashionable, creative, kind hearted, easily distracted, easily agitated.
Mother; Clover Ewing Tennyson

Name: Alice Vasquez Tennyson
Age; 13
Hair color; black but behind with brown
Eye color; green
Height; 4'11
Gender; female
Powers; Omnitrix
Personality; Energetic, fun loving, sporty, absent minded.
Mother; Alex Vasquez Tennyson

Name: Kenneth Tennyson
Age; 6
Hair color; brown
Eye color; green
Height; 3'6
Gender; male
Powers; Alien DNA
Mother; Spy Hybrid

Name: Mathew Lair Tennyson
Age; 15
Hair color; orangish Light brown
Eye color; cool Blue
Height; 5'7
Gender; male
Powers; water manipulation
Personality; laid back, protective, kind hearted, music fanatic.
Mother; Irma Lair Tennyson

Name: Becky Lair Tennyson
Age; 10
Hair color; Brown
Eye color; Emerald Green
Height; 4'3
Gender; female
Powers; Organic Omnitrix
Personality; Cheerful, Energetic, Kind hearted, fun loving, music fanatic.
Mother; Irma Lair Tennyson

Name: Kali Leviathan Tennyson
Age; 14
Hair color; Blue with a brown streak
Eye color; (left) Blue, (right) Green
Height; 5'9
Gender; female
Powers; elemental Manipulation and Omnitrix.
Personality; kind of monotonous, has a cheerful side, occasionally absent minded.
Mother; Leviathan Tennyson.

Name: Emerald Tornado Tennyson
Age; 12
Hair color; Green
Eye color; Green
Height; 4'5
Gender; male
Powers; Leviatation as human and Omnitrix
Personality; reserved, kind hearted, shy, easily startled.
Mother; Tatsumaki Tennyson

Name: Xylene Yaoyorozu Tennyson
Age; 15
Hair color; black
Eye color; Emerald Green
Height; 5'10
Gender; female
Powers; (Omni-code) able to gain alien features and create aliens from body.
Personality; mature, soldier like, smart, easily agitated, has a secret obsession with cute stuff.
Mother; Momo Yaoyorozu Tennyson.

Name: James Kyouko Tennyson
Age; 15
Hair color; dark violet with a brown lock.
Eye color; Emerald Green
Height; 5'9
Gender; Male
Powers; (Alien Augmentation) uses earphone jacks to inject the powers of his father's aliens into either himself or others.
Personality; kind hearted, occasionally boastful, laid back, easily agitated.
Mother; Jiro Kyouko Tennyson

Name: Shino Tennyson
Age; 13
Hair color; Brown with Violet tips
Eye color; Emerald Green with Red
Height; 5'2
Gender; female
Powers; Alien Predator DNA
Personality; Energetic, secretive, over dramatic, has an obsession with weapons.
Mother; Nia Tennyson.

Name: Raiden Mikoto Tennyson
Age; 13
Hair color; Brown
Eye color; Emerald Green
Height; 5'3
Gender; Male
Powers; electrokinesis, Omnitrix loaded with electric aliens.
Personality; short tempered, Kind hearted, Obsessed with Gekota.
Mother; Mikoto Misaka Tennyson.

Name: Yuki Kazari Tennyson
Age; 11
Hair color; begins with brown and continues as pure white
Eye color; Emerald Green
Height; 4'5
Gender; female
Powers; cryokinesis, Omnitrix loaded with ice based aliens.
Personality; shy, reserved, kind hearted, is easily startled.
Mother; Uiharu Kazari, (Mikoto May be Married to Ben but she allowed Uiharu to date Ben and herself... and on once incident the Omnitrix had given her Yuki for some reason).

Name: Kodai Kazari Tennyson
Age; 11
Hair color; Begins as brown, is black in the middle and ends as red.
Eye color; Emerald Green
Height; 4'5
Gender; male
Powers; Pyrokinesis, Omnitrix loaded with fire based aliens.
Personality; Boastful, Upbeat, kind hearted, athletic, occasionally absent minded.
Mother; Uiharu Kazari (he and Yuki are twins

Name: Aika Koito Tennyson
Age; 12
Hair color; mostly pink and brown stripes.
Eye color; Emerald Green
Height; 4'5
Gender; female
Powers; Alien shapeshifting, transformation and creation.
Personality; reserved, warm hearted, unfazed, is extremely tolerant.
Mother; Koito Minase Tennyson

To be continued
Character illustrations shall be placed on DeviantArt.

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