Not An Update

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I am terribly sorry for the fact that I have been barely updating the story. Sadly school has been very stressful and I have been in very tight spots thanks to my grades. I barely have time for myself and I would love to know if you guys want to see anything happen.

       Sadly I also have a very stressful situation with one of my friends. I fell for her last year, my worst enemy became her best friend, and we recently had a... Fight? A quarrel? Idk. But what she told me hurt me a lot and I don't know how to fix things.

      Please be patient for a while longer. I have a long weekend now and next week will be the last one before winter break. I will write a lot during these two times.

Thank you for all your support!


I screenshot whenever one of you likes my story or follows me or adds my story...

So yeah I have you guys in my mind. Always

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