Chapter 6 - Finn VS Alpheus

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Writer POV (aka me)

      Finn was filled with anger and was ready to strike. But he also had to be smart and wait for Alpheus to strike first. Everyone and anyone could see and notice that Alpheus was quite slow, thus Finn didn't had to wait long until Alpheus tried to harm him. Clearly they were still underwater, and they couldn't do much. But Alpheus had a knife in his hand and was not afraid to use it. Many would believe this was an unfair fight, especially since Alpheus was already an adult. But Finn couldn't care less, he knew he could beat Alpheus however necessary. And soon after the attack was done from Alpheus, Finn started thinking of how to gain some terrain.

      While Finn avoided the deadly blade, he silently prayed that the Nektons were thinking of a way to get all the water out. If he wanted to kick ass quickly, he needed to be on a dry base. Finn moved right, then left, and then did a back flip, it had been an awkward back flip since he was still in the water but he had managed to avoid getting killed. Alpheus was a pedophile, dumbass that was trying to steal his girlfriend, and technically murder the rest of her family. Was any of this normal? No. Was anything normal with the Nektons? Bigger no. All Finn could currently do was avoid the blade and find a way to win this. And he opted with using an oxygen tank that was floating nearby...

       While Finn and Alpheus fought, the Nektons were trying to find a way to get rid of the water. Ant had a plan, and they had no other choice, they would use the rover and the strongest of knights. Since they had some metal in case this sort of things happened they needed to burn the metal and melt the sides into the Arronax. Since there was a current it was going to be extremely hard even with the knights. But that was their only choice. Will got into the yellow knight (note for self check the damn names and write them), Kaiko got into the Swamp Knight, Ant got into his shadow knight, and Fontaine opted for the rover. As soon as everyone got their tools they went to work. Fontaine was mostly helping everything stay in place while it was heated. And the rest of her family was melting some metal and bending it.

       Fontaine couldn't help but wonder if Finn was actually trying to hurt Alpheus badly. Over the time she had noticed that he was overprotective of those he loved. Probably caused by the loss of his mother, the day she gave Hammerhead the photo back she felt lightweight, like a feather. She also knew Madeline had awful issues since her mother wasn't around. More than once Madeline did something completely out of the blue and either Kaiko or her had to jump in. One time Madeline had went to swim naked, it was only normal that Hammerhead forbid his crew from leaving the kitchen and made sure to call Kaiko into telling Madeline that she couldn't be naked. After that Madeline often called or texted both of them. Obviously nothing was mentioned outside these calls or messages. Madeline did had a reputation to maintain after all. And while the Nektons fixed the Aronnax, Finn tried his best to harm Alpheus.

       Harming Alpheus was proving to be a difficult task while being inside a flooded sub. But Finn was not going to give up, he was going to give Alpheus a beating he would never forget. After much avoiding and swimming around from Finn's part, his desire came true. The water was leaving the sub, and since they were still in Fontaine's room, Finn had the advantage of knowing what was inside. He knew Fontaine kept a very good knife underneath her pillow. He had given it to her as a birthday gift once. As soon as the water was at a low level he ran towards her pillow and pulled the knife out. He unshatted it and made a quick swing towards Alpheus' abdomen. The knife did reached Alpheus, for he was not expecting this. But the damage done was small, a thin line which bled slowly, not as desired.

       And thus the fight with knives began. The one Alpheus possessed was wider, while the one Finn possessed was thinner but longer. Swings came from both sides and soon Alpheus was breaking a sweat. Finn had used knives since he could remember, his mother had been a pro with them. Technically, Finn had more experience than Alpheus. While their fight continued each one of them gained cuts and then the first gash came. Finn had lunged forwards, aiming for the other's chest. And in a swift movement he got what he wanted, a deep gash which allowed blood to fall smoothly.

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