Chapter 6

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Anthony woke up in the middle of the night and crept over to the floor where Ian was sleeping and laid next to him.

"Ian." He whispered into Ian's ear as he trailed his fingers up Ian's arm and kissed his jawline to see if he would wake up at the contact.

"Mm Anthony." Ian moaned under his breath in his sleep as Anthony pulled and smirked taking out his phone, recording Ian with his phone,

"What am I doing Ian?" Anthony asked his a low husky voice as Ian let out a whimper in his sleep, unaware his best friend was recording him.

"Just like that Anthony." Ian panted in his sleep as Anthony stopped the recording and sat his phone on the bed, crawling over to Ian with a smirk.

"Ian what are you dreaming about?" Anthony whispered trailing his hand down his best friends torso.

"Nmgh Anthony go faster." Ian whined in his sleep as Anthony stood up shaking his head and crawled back into the bed falling asleep.


Ian woke up in the morning letting out a groan of pain that was coming from his back from sleeping on the floor and looked up throwing his pillow at Anthony.

"Get up bitch." Ian yawned as Anthony pulled the blankets over his head trying to ignore Ian.

"Fine whatever I'll just not order you breakfast." Ian smirked as he saw Anthony sit straight up and get out of bed.

"I'm up where's my pancakes ?" Anthony asked as he stretched and picked up his phone remembering the video he got of Ian the night before.

"Order them yourself I'm getting myself some pink frosted sprinkled donuts." Ian said as he stood up and threw on his jeans.

"Ewww I'll just eat with the barber shop pole." Anthony shrugged as he threw on a shirt and Ian stared at him when he felt hickeys on his neck.

"What did you do to me last night?" Ian gasped as he felt the multiple hickeys on his neck.

"Nothing." Anthony said trying to act innocent as he grabbed his phone and started to do his hair in the mirror.

"You tried raping me in my sleep." Ian yelled at Anthony who turned around with a playful smirk.

"It wouldn't be rape if you liked it." Anthony snickered as he pulled out his phone and started playing the video he got the night before.

"You better not post that." Ian warned as he tried grabbing Anthony's phone but Anthony ran out of the hotel room before Ian could.

"Padilla! Don't do it." Ian screamed running out of the room only half dressed and ran down the stairs after Anthony.

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