29: Cloverfield

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Emily came back to her house with Ali, who didn't want to go to her own because of her parents drama. When she closed her door, she immediately heard her mom's voice.

"Emmy, Emmy!" They ran to the living room. Her mom had a laptop in front of her, a loving smile on her face. "Emmy, talk to your dad."

Emily opened her mouth and Ali pushed her to sit next to her mom on the couch. Her mom left though, saying goodbye to her husband and placing the laptop on Emily's lap. "Hi, dad," she greeted happily.

"Hey, Emmybear," he said, treating her like always. With care and sweet love. "How are you?"

Emily looked at Alison and then back at her dad. "Amazing."

"That's great, honey."

"I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, baby girl. I've heard you got someone to protect you over there."

Emily tilted her head and then her mouth had an O shape. She had forgotten her mom talked to him about her and Ali.

"When your mom first told me, I won't lie, I was shocked. But then when we ended the call, I started thinking about it... and it had been so obvious. Like, your posters of female swimmers up on your room..."

Emily blushed and glanced at Ali again, who was giggling quietly by the doorframe.

"Is Ali there?" Wayne asked and his daughter nodded. "I just embarrassed you, didn't I?"

"A tiny bit." Emily motioned Ali to come.

"I think that's so cute, I love learning about you," Ali gushed as she sat by her side.

"I got plenty more, wanna hear?" he asked jokingly.

"Dad!" Emily exclaimed, and Wayne and Ali laughed.

They talked for a little while until Emily's dad had to leave. "I should go, too," Alison said, getting up.

"You should stay for lunch," Pam offered. After hearing the blonde talk with her husband and daughter, it felt like nothing had changed. And it really hadn't, just the fact that she was with Emmy.

Emily wanted to hug her mom for making an effort.

"I'd love to," Ali answered softly, the gesture too meaningful to refuse.

"Then it's settled." Pam walked towards the kitchen.

Alison waited until she was out of ear sight to sit back and talk to Emmy. "Hey, I wanted to ask about how you felt in the cafeteria..."

"Still in love," her girlfriend answered all smiley.

Did Emily not realize what her Ali had done? "I outted you to the whole school. I'm sorry for screwing up... again."

"I know, Ali. And it's okay, I wouldn't wanna hide the fact that I'm with you, though it would have been nice to have been warned, you know? At least boys won't bother me anymore."

Alison scoffed. "And if they do... hell is coming. But I'll warn you about my unplanned plans next time." She winked.

"You girls, come help me!" Pam yelled from the other room, making Alison and her daughter stand up and follow her instructions.

Ali and Emily's mother bonded over cooking, which was unexpected, but it was also a sign: everything would be alright.

In the evening, Pam had asked more about their relationship. Hearing about both their inner struggles had seemed to make her even more understanding. Ali had held Emily's hand underneath the table as she'd opened up to stop her from crying out her knot of feelings.

When dinner was finished and cleaned up, Alison looked at Mrs. Fields shyly. "Can I borrow Emily for the night? I'll bring her home at ten."

Pam looked at them suspiciously, but then decided to trust them. "Fine. But ten on the dot."

"Thank you, Mrs. Fields."

"It's always been Pam, Ali. And don't forget your phones!"

Alison smiled at her and then they left the house, walking on the quiet autumn night.

"So where are you taking me?" Emily asked curiously.

"I'd like to say nowhere special, but everywhere's special with you."

Emily bumped her shoulder with her own. "Since when are you so clingy?"

"What can I say, Fields? You bring it out of me."

Emily blushed, even though her intention was to tease Ali. When they got to the hill, they played their favorite songs on Emily's phone, which had been returned after her mom accepted her. Being out of her shell felt like it was Christmas every day.

Now laid on the grass with her head on the crook of a neck, Alison felt in a clover field. Not because she'd had the best luck in everything, but because she had gotten lucky enough to meet Emily. Be her friend. Be with her. Love her. Though Alison's home was broken, she found one in Emily and that fact alone was enough to keep her going.

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