26: Chandelier

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When Ali really went to sleep, Emily was so happy because her girl felt happy. Ali's mom, the devil herself, had been okay with Ali loving her. This fact only made Emmy build up the courage to tell her own. Her mom was loving and caring. She would get it, right?

Her mom was on the kitchen sink, washing the dishes from dinner. Emily approached her slowly, playing with her fingers.

Pam saw her in the reflection of the window in front of her. "Hey, Emmy. Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"It's just... I need to tell you something."

Her mom didn't stop washing the dishes. She didn't even turn to look at her, like in all of their conversations. "Is it about this morning-?"

"I'm in love with Alison." Emily heard a glass break, scaring her. Waking her up.

Pam turned furiously at her. "Some coach warned me about her. She's toxic, don't let your daughter near her," she quoted. "I'd said that I knew Ali and she wasn't like that. But now..."

"Ian? He's a child predator, mom. He was fired for it."

Pam looked disgusted. "He wasn't near you, was he?"

"No, but he was near Ali and Spence."

"Ali..." her mom scoffed. "If you think you have feelings for her, you're wrong. You're confusing your friendship with something else. It will pass."

In that moment, Emmy wasn't sure if her mom was telling her or trying to convince herself. "I tried to believed that, too. But it's not passing."

"Then you'll get medical help. It can be cured."

"This isn't so disease! It's love, like the one you feel for dad!"

"Emily Catherine Fields, you're grounded!" Pam shouted. "Don't you dare compare me and your dad to some l-lesbo fantasies! You won't go to Alison's house to study. You won't go out with her. You can't be her friend. You can't be with her anymore!"

We're not just friends, Emily wanted to say, but knew it was better she didn't. Even though she knew she could see Ali at school, her heart felt broken. Her mom... she was being cruel. But Emily kept her mouth shut, tried to hold the tears out--even though many had slipped out already--and rushed to her room.

She texted Ali quickly, telling her she didn't have as much luck. When she hit send, Pam entered the room and snatched her phone.

Pam was sweating, her face red. "You can't talk to her anymore."

Emily sniffed and then saw her phone light up. We still have each other, read the screen. Her mom left the room. Emily wasn't so sure if they would still have each other. She had nothing left to do but try to sleep. Emily would see Ali tomorrow, unless her mom changed her school. It could be possible, they were only three weeks into the school year. Emily dropped on her bed, closing her eyes. Sleep so you don't feel.

At two am, Emily stared at the ceiling, her room lighted blue, feeling gray. She heard the haunting sound of the wind out her window, but her thoughts were louder. How could my mom tell me I can't be with the person I love? It's enough with dad.

Suddenly, a warm light entered the room. Emily blinked. Is an angel about to take her? Please, it would be better than being here, feeling dead. But the light started moving in lines, guiding her sight towards the window. She stood up and was met with an angel herself. Ali.

"I can't sleep, can you?" Ali whispered loudly.

"Shh!" Em hissed, pointing to the first floor of her house, the kitchen lights were on.

Alison shrugged and then flashed her flashlight three times.

Emily raised an eyebrow, but then got it. The flashlight signals. Three blinks meant: We should sneak out and talk in person.

She bit her lip. How can I leave the house if mom is downstairs? Alison pointed at the pipeline going up from the ground to her roof, right next to her window.

"Remember gym class?" Ali whispered.

Yes, Emily did. They would make them climb up and down ropes hanging on the ceiling. Naturally, she and Ali were the best. She went down carefully and slowly to not make any noise. Then she followed Ali over the fence separating her house from the neighbor's. They sat against it on the grass.

"I received a messaged from your phone saying we were just a joke," Ali said, looking upset. "But after what you texted me about your mom, I knew it was her."

"She did that? She's the sick one."

"She told you you were sick?" Alison asked, grabbing her hand and looking at her in the eyes. "Em, you are not."

"I know... it's just... she said I couldn't be with you."

"That's not her choice to make."

"I know, but I feel like she'll do anything to keep me away from you. And that scares me."

"I don't know if you saw it, but I said: We still have each other... and what happens then. If your mom really can't accept us, we'll just have to run away to Paris. We'll be happy ever after."

Emily scoffed sadly. "It's not time for jokes, Ali."

"I am not joking. I won't let you live in an environment where you are not able to be yourself. It's gonna end up drowning you. I know it because I live in a toxic environment."

Emily laid her head on Ali's shoulder. "We'll be happy ever after?"

"Nothing else."

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