Cemetery Drive

764 28 17

We were all getting ready for our annual family trip to Cuba with my aunt Margaret(mom's mom) and her family so the house was a wreck. Clothes and bags everywhere, our seven year old cat, Mohawk, was running around like a maniac wanting attention but I was busy packing all my clothes; I wanted to prove to my parents I can pack by myself-even though mom set all my clothes out on my bed for me to put in my suitcase-and I managed until uncle Rob(dad's brother) rang the doorbell indicating we had to say goodbye to Mohawk since he was going to take care of her the week we're gone. Too bad she can't go in my suitcase, who cares about clothes, I just want my cat.

I picked her up and began kissing her goodbye when I heard dad yelling so with Sebastian now in the hallway, we tip toed down the stairs to see it wasn't uncle Rob, it was someone we've never seen before but he looked scary.
"Where's the money, Laura" he asked going up to my mom and pulling a knife from his pocket, holding it to her throat but dad pushed him aside and mom ran.
"What money!" She yelled.
"Rob said you have twenty grand to return to him and I'm not leaving without that twenty grand"
"Whoa whoa whoa buddy, if anything my brother owes us money" dad said raising his arms up in defence.
"Give me the money!" He yelled.
"Hey!" Seb yelled making me quickly cover his mouth with my hand in fear as I pulled him away from the stairs.
"Shut up!" I whisper-yelled at him.
"Cute kids you got there" he commented making my mom look back at the stairs then to him again.
"Too bad they aren't allowed to hear this" he added before bolting up the stairs followed by us running up the rest of the way and into my room just before he was able to catch us.
"Open this door!" He yelled banging on it, making my six year old brother cry; I only pulled him close to me and rocked us back and forth as I smoothened out his blonde curly hair.
"Open it! Now!" He yelled jiggling the doorknob making my breath get caught in my throat; he was going to kill me.

Eventually the door was knocked down and he was hovering over us, his knife still in hand as he pulled my brother away making him scream but that didn't phase the man at all; he pulled me up by my hair and held me in the corner, tears began streaming down my face but he showed no emotion.
"Now you're gonna tell me where the fuck the money is young lady or we're gonna be in a lot of trouble" he spoke to me in a tone that disgusted me so as a result, I spit in his face; bad decision because he plunged the knife into my side making me scream in agony as my parents came rushing in.
"You bastard!" My mom yelled punching him but he wasted no time slamming her up against the wall and gliding the silver blade he had dug into me, against her stomach and letting her drop to the floor.
"The money, Jackson. Don't forget it" he said as he walked out of the house leaving my family as a wreck.
"Mommy!" I yelled crawling over to her; my dad and brother quickly came beside her too and she took my hand, removing the wedding ring and putting it in my palm, tears in her eyes as she struggled to breathe but she pulled my head to her lips and kissed it.
"I love you baby" she whispered.
"Laura" dad started but she pulled my brother into her and kissed his head too, whispering the same thing she said to me, to him and then looked at my dad and smiled.
"You're a great father, Nate and I want you to protect them"
"Laura don't say that" but she didn't say anything.
"I love you so much" she added; dad shook his head and kissed her forehead, saying I love you over and over again but she only made sure I got treated for my wound before her own.
"I love you mommy"

I was shaken awake and immediately jumped out of the person's arms, landing straight on the floor only to have that same person quickly rush to the ground and pull me back into their arms.
"Hey hey hey calm down it's only me" Pete said as he rocked us back and fourth; my entire world came to a pause as I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried into his shirt.
"Bad dream again?" He asked, making me shake my head.
"No" I told him removing myself and lifting my shirt to see my ribs; it was still there-the scar. It actually happened.
"Oh" he said, he knew.
"It still doesn't feel real" I told him.
"Well by the way you were screaming, it sounded like it was happening all over again" he said pulling me back into his body; he kissed my head and I closed my eyes to stop tears from falling again despite the fact Pete has seen me cry countless times before.
"Wanna go see her?" He asked.
"Right now?"
"I don't see why not. Mickey Mouse probably wants to join too, I won't go with you guys so you can have your moment with her but" he said as he adjusted my weight seeing as he didn't want to let go of me just yet so we just sat there for a bit.

Run Away With Me(Mikey Way)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن