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I was in my room playing an addictive bass line Mikey had bunched up on my notes one day during English when I played the wrong note and ruined the entire thing; it was a bouncy, dance type of bass line that has been my personal favourite to play since I made out the chicken scratch called numbers he wrote on the piece of paper. He over lined four dark lines across my paper and began writing along the E and G string; it was a three five three five pattern that was challenging yet amusing to play-especially since I have small hands-and I was determined to get all the way through until I heard a knock on my door snapping me out of my concentration. Mikey.
"I see you're playing my bass line" he stated walking into my room and towards my spot at the desk to kiss my head making me smile up at him.
"It's fun. I have the first part down but when it gets to the I guess bridge of the song is when I go what the fuck" I explained making him laugh and sit at the edge of my bed seeing as there was only one chair in my room and the desk was relatively close so we weren't so apart from each other. I rolled myself over and faced him as I began playing the part I had mastered which impressed him until he plucked the A string and sounded a terrible ring through the room making him laugh at my expression.

"How was church?" I asked setting my bass on my lap and looking directly at him; his dull hazel eyes held sadness but his smile held happiness and I never felt more conflicted in my entire life. He was a pretty odd person because he was always sending mixed signals with his face; dull eyes yet a happy smile. He didn't want to show anyone he was broken but I knew-almost-everything about him and knew that he was hiding tears by raising his cheeks each time he grinned.
"It was the same with as every Sunday. Nothing exactly exciting except for the cardboard you call bread"
"Mikey!" I said smacking his arm making the boy before me laugh at both his own joke and my sudden action; it was funny, I will admit but it symbolizes the body of Christ. He should know this, he goes to church every Sunday.
"Oh yeah, I don't know if my dad told you this or not but on Thursday we're going to a Giants game and he invited you. His friend at work gave him four tickets and he handed me two saying to invite the famous Mikey Way so what do you say?" I explained.
"Football with my girlfriend and her family? And fries? I'm in"
"I like that word" I stated smiling.
"Fries? Who wouldn't. They're amazing"
"No not fries. Girlfriend"

He looked directly into my eyes and didn't break it till I looked away but when I did, he let out an adorable giggle in which I knew was coming by the way he was staring.
"Well I mean, I like that name too. I never got to use it till now but I'm sure as hell going to take advantage of calling you that"
"You're so cheesy it hurts, Mikes" he only smiled again and looked down at his hands as he rubbed his palms together.
"Babe" he said grabbing my attention instantly.
"Stop it" I said getting up and setting my bass on my stand but a firm grip on my butt made me nearly drop it as I quickly set it down before the tall man overlooked me since he was now standing up. He wrapped a hand behind the middle of my back and with the other, he brought it up to my neck as I set my hands on both sides of his waist seeing as I couldn't snake my hands behind his neck at that moment.

"Honey" he mumbled against my lips before closing the gap between us in which I didn't mind; he most definitely lied about never kissing someone before because there was no way I taught him everything in the dark in less than seven minutes. It's odd how a kiss in a closet brought us closer and not apart. I always thought about that and those were my thoughts before falling asleep on Friday after sneaking back into the house. What if we never kissed. Would we have just been friends? Would we have drifted apart? Would he walk away from me? I mean, Jamia and Ashlee said that he isn't one to talk to people so they were rather shocked to hear he was speaking to someone other than his brother; to know it was a girl was a bigger deal than he thought but they-including Frank-saw him as their kid brother. They saw him as the boy they had to protect everyday at every hour but he saw himself as an independent young adult. He was most definitely a child who needed someone to guide him.

"You make me happy" Mikey whispered against my lips; it was barely audible and it took me a few minutes to process what my boyfriend had said but once I did, I smiled up at him.
"You make me happy too" I replied; the only difference was that he lived in the dark before we began dating. I had friends, I had a parental figure. Granted Mikey had friends and Elena but he didn't get to live the life most kids had. He wasn't into sports, he was into comics because it meant less social interaction. He liked music but hated testing out the instrument in the store before actually buying it; Gerard did it for him. He feared he would mess up and the employees would mock him for wanting to buy a guitar or bass guitar. Mikey's social skills in general were at the same level as a first grader; he hardly spoke unless he knew the person well enough, he would stutter if the teacher called him out in class. The only people to blame for the mess he turned into were his parents; Donna-their mother-most importantly. He was never a happy child and Gerard has told me that their upbringing wasn't a fairytale but Mikey took it a lot harder with being the youngest; Donna never abused her kids-neither did their father-but just not being in their lives as much as Elena has, hurts. It hurts more knowing Elena's health isn't the best so she might not live long enough to see Mikey graduate which is what he fears the most. Their grandmother is the best friend; their grandfather was just as close but after his passing, the Way brothers realized the people they love don't live forever and treasure moments with the elder in their household.

"Wanna go to the mall?" Mikey asked bringing his hand up and down my back before resting it in the back pocket of my jeans.
"With what license?"
"Who said we need license?" Mikey smirked as he detached himself from me and pulled a set of keys from his pocket.
"You're crazy" I told him.
"No I'm not, it's an adventure" he stated.
"Anytime you want" I said making him look at me questioningly.
"Remember when you asked me to run away with you and I said you were crazy? Let's not go to the mall" I told him.
"So you'll run away with me?"
"Like I said, anytime you want" his smirk turned into a smile and he pulled me into his body as he kissed my head.
"Pack away my love" he said letting go as I packed a backpack; I knew we wouldn't be gone for more than a few hours but just to make Mikey happy, I packed an extra set of clothes along with a pair of Pete's jeans and a shirt for the lanky boy to change into. He's wanted to run away since he was thirteen and my assumption is after he realizes how much he misses his grandmother and brother, he'll want to turn back. I hoped so at least.


I haven't updated this book in forever and I'm so sorry, I've been busy but I'm back and shit is gonna go down.
I just want to know one thing: do you like when I talk about Mikey's upbringing? Or should I stop it.

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