The Take Over, The Breaks Over

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The twelve hour drive was long-obviously it was long seeing as it was seven hundred and twenty minutes but it felt longer. We had stopped twice for gas and also to grab snacks so we only really got into Illinois at one am; Mikey had cried himself to sleep not long before arriving so it gave me enough time to map out where exactly we were going. I had decided on a motel right in the heart of Chicago and in the morning, I'd call Pete and talk to him about the situation, hoping Dale and Peter wouldn't mind two troubled souls in their home for a bit. I remember telling Pete that I would never run away with a boy unless it was him yet here I was, walking out of the motel check in with Mikey fast asleep in my dad's truck that we stole to run away with; I watched him for a few moments before I turned my phone on and saw a photo of him and I which made me smile. I was brought back to that moment in time when things felt okay-it was from the first week we had met but I remember that from the moment I first laid my eyes upon him, I decided I liked him; I don't think I'll ever tell him that though.

He was different; I liked different. He didn't care about popularity, only music. He came off as quiet but was actually the most outgoing person you'd ever encounter. He drank his coffee slowly to savour it during the lectures our teacher threw in after an announcement was made over the intercom. His little doodles at the top of his pages told me what he enjoyed. His notes were messy to make sure he got everything jotted down, he wasn't like the other guys who never wrote anything. His appearance was an entirely different thing but the first thing I noticed were his glasses; dark at the top and faded to become clear at the bottom. His nose was cut to perfect, he hated it but it suited his facial structure so well it almost seemed like he had gotten a nose job, however, I loved his eyes. They were these magnificent Hazel coloured orbs that you could get lost in if you looked into them for too long but by looking at them time after time, I noticed a little red dot on the side of his right eye-it almost looked painful but he said it's been there for as long as he could remember. He was pale, but being any darker than he naturally was would look odd with his messy light brown hair. His physical appearance matched his heart; perfect.

I got back in the drivers seat and looked at the dansel in distress on my right and lightly shook him making his eyes flutter open as he pulled the hood of his sweater up over his head and yawned.
"We're home" I announced happily.
"What?" He asked in a rather panicked tone; maybe I should have worded that differently.
"Chicago, not exactly my home but I'll show it to you tomorrow-well, later in the day seeing as it's one am already" I explained getting out of the truck and opening the side door, taking a bag as Mikey quickly got out and did the same, taking the other two for me.
"Why'd you bring us here?" He asked as we made our way towards the motel-I unlocked the door and allowed him to go in first before closing and locking the door again and throwing the bag on the full-sized bed, sighing as I sat down on it.
"I know Chicago like the back of my hand, my friends and I would always come here on weekends and Pete and I would come to this motel every once in a while, sometimes his friend Chris too so in a way I felt like we would be safe here even though Chicago is one of the most deadly cities ever" I explained.
"Thank you" he said taking his-mine-sweater off and tossing it on the chair in the corner.
"For bringing you to a dangerous city to escape your home? You're welcome" I said laughing a bit at my own sarcasm.

Mikey made his way over to me and extended his hand for me to take in which I did followed by him swaying us back and forth to no music; I laughed at this gesture and he stopped but kept me close as he kissed the tip of my nose, smiling slightly which made me grin up at him.
"Thank you for everything you've ever done for me these past few months. From befriending me to being mine to us running away, no one would've done half the shit you've done for me"
"That's a lie. Gerard would've done this for you" I stated trying to remove myself but he only held me tighter and smirked when he knew he had me.
"I mean girls, no girl would ever do this for me. Care about me, love me, make me smile as much as you do"
"Love makes you do crazy shit, MJ" I told him.
"I can see that"

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