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-Kitty POV-
Ryder and I walked into glee club, our fingers interlocked. I smiled up at him, "Just pretend you are dating me." I told him and he nodded. I felt bad for taking advantage of Ryder this way, but what other choice did I have? He grabbed me and kissed me before we sat down. I quivered away as he released. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled at Ryder and patted his back. He smiled back and looked up. "Duets!" Mr. Schuester yelled as he came in. "It doesn't have to be love, just have fun. The winners will get a free meal at Breadstix! Good luck!" I turned towards Marley and started walking down by her. "Hey, we haven't worked together for a while. Duet partners?" I suggested. She smiled at me and I blushed. "Sounds great!" Ryder tapped my shoulder and gave me a confused look. "Go with Jake," I said, "it's only a duet." He shrugged and sat next to Jake. I turned back at Marley. "I have the perfect song!" She exclaimed. She went through the folders of sheet music and pulled out "Dusk Til' Dawn" and handed a sheet to me. "Perfect," I told her. We started to practice and I couldn't help but to stare at her, she's so beautiful. Her eyes, her smile, her everything is just perfect.

-Ryder POV-
I sat down by Jake and tapped my foot against the floor. "So," he started saying, "I guess we're partners." I nodded. Jake was silent for a moment and then spoke up. "I don't understand why we're doing duets again. We just had this lesson like two weeks ago." He said as he rolled his eyes. I chuckled and shrugged. "So, what's up with you and Kitty?" I asked Jake. He gave me a confused look and I continued, "Why do you hate each other so much?" Jake sighed and scratched his neck. "We used to date. We both cheated on each other and that just made things worse. We tried being friends but it was too hard." I nodded and smiled. "I think I know what we're singing." At the end of class, I headed over to Kitty. "Jake doesn't seem too bad, you know." I told her. She sighed. "I know he isn't. But I just can't trust him." I shook my head, "Whatever." I muttered. Kitty took my hand to hold me back and kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry, Lynn. For all of this." I gave her a hug and left for my next class.

-Kitty POV- *end of week*

Today Marley and I performed our song. We walked up to the front of the glee club and the band started playing music. We sang "Dusk Til' Dawn", Marley singing Zayn's part and I sang Sia's part. I felt my eyes getting watery as we finished. All I could think about was how much I needed her. I held back my tears and smiled at her when we finished. Marley gave me a wide smile back and her eyes slightly twinkled. The club cheered as I made my way back to Ryder. He gave me a small smile and made his way up to the front of the room with Jake. They sang "Apologize" and melted almost every girl's heart in the room. As they finished we all put votes for who should win in a hit and counted up the votes. Mr. Schuester came up in front of the class and held the Breadstix gift card. "The winners of the duets were.... Marley and Kitty!" He announced. I jumped at gave Marley a tight hug, I would make this the best date ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2017 ⏰

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