Chapter 25 - Too Late

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Austin Portwalt

I took a really deep breath and got out from my car. I walked into the lift and pressed the L button. My heart was beating so crazily to the fact that I'm going to see Violet again. I miss her.. I just miss her.. and it makes me crazy.

I walked out from the lift when the door opens. I walked towards the ballroom and showed the employee my invitation. As soon as I walked into the ballroom, I scanned the room to find Violet.

"Austin.." I turned to see Alex


"How are you?" He asked.

"Not in a good state.. physically and psychologically.." I said honestly.

"She's on the right side of this ballroom." Alex patted my shoulder and I smiled to him.

"Thanks." I walked to the right side of the ballroom and tried to find Violet. My eyes landed on her right away when I see that captivating blue eyes. She's currently talking to someone smiling widely and I felt my body automaticly walk to her.

I stopped when I see Marcus came and joined her. He kissed her cheek and she turned to him smiling happily. My heart hurted to see that but I don't think I can do anything for it.

The person that she talked to with already walked away and I found myself still standing here like an idiot. Marcus walked away to talk to others and she's alone now. I walked towards her and stood right next to her.

"How's the contract?" She asked like she already knew that I'm the one who stood beside her.

"What contract?" I asked pretending to be dumb. Gosh God please control my innerself. I miss her so much that I can kidnap her right here right now.

"York Company contract.. I see you're really happy now.. to be in the same level as the 7 Gold Lifes." She said in a cold tone and sarcasticly.

"I never sign a contract with them."

"It's your decision anyway."

"How can you leave me back then?" I asked and she chuckled coldly.

"You're playing with me and I'm playing with you. Fair enough?" That hurted me.

"Besides.. I've been cheating behind your back with.. Marcus." She turned to me smirking and my eyes widen to hear that.

"You're lying." I looked at her disbelief and she looked at me rolling her eyes.

"Why would I lie?" She showed me his left hand and there's a ring on her ring finger.

"We're getting married in 3 months, I'll send you the invitation later."

"Are you going to leave him to like you're leaving me?" I caught her arm preventing her to go.

"Why would I do that? I love him." She glared at me and pulled her arm from my grip.

"You're lying."

"I'm not like you.. Austin Portwalt. Using people just for money. You lied to me about everything." She poked my chest angrily.

"I didn't lie!" I bursted angrily at her until a few people around us turned their heads.

"I don't care. All I did was to play along and crush you in the end. I'm playing games wih you, Austin Portwalt. How can you be so dumb?"

"Then if you did play games with me.. Why bother apologizing to my parents?"

"To get a contract, idiot!" That just got me good.

"You're not serious right?"

"Austin!" Marcus slipped his arm around her waist and glared at me.

"From now on, don't interrupt her. She's mine." Marcus said to me coldly and pulled Violet away from me. My hands turned into a fist.

I turned my body around and walked out from the ballroom. I got back into my car and decided to stay there. My heart hurted a lot.

I was going to open my car door when I saw Violet and Marcus came out from the lifts place. She was crying.. I was going to go out but Marcus hugged her. He comforted her and that crushed my heart.

He asked something and she nodded weakly. He took off his jacket and put it around her. He left and I'm predicting that he's getting his car. I got out from my car and walked to her.

She looked at me with her eyes widen.. She walked away immediately. I caught her hand and stopped her. Suddenly Marcus punched me hard until I fell down to he ground.

"Stay away from her bastard!" He bursted angrily. He took her hand and walked away. I got up quickly and ran to them. Violet quickly got into the car and Marcus drove away quickly. I sighed and leaned my body to a random car.

I quickly ran back to my car and decided to follow them. I drove out from the building quickly and found Marcus's car. I followed them quickly and just kept them on my sight. I saw them stopping in front of an apartment. They both got out and they talked about something.

Marcus hugged her tightly and patted her back. They talked again about something and Marcus stroke her hair. They held hands and walked inside the apartment. I sighed and punched my steering wheel.

I got out from the car and walked inside the apartment. I saw Marcus going towards my way and I hide quickly. After he walked pass me, I ran towards the lift and stopped the door from closing.

Violet's eyes widen to see me again.. she pushed the open button again.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Violet.. Let's talk okay? We need to talk." I begged and she laughed coldly.

"Get lost, Austin." She said as she gestured me to go out from the lift.

"Violet.. please."

"No.. Goodbye Austin."

"I miss you, Violet."

"Bullshit." She laughed sarcasticly and gestured me to go out again.

"I'm not lying.." I begged and she let go the button making the door close.

"You always lie, Austin. I won't believe you anymore besides I'm engaged now.. so can you get lost and let me have a peaceful life?"

"I don't believe that you an-" She cut me by throwing- my eyes widen when I caught it.

"You're kidding right?"

"I'll send that to your face next monday." She said coldly and walked out. My body turned numb and looked at the invitaion in horror.

"Everything is too late for you.. Austin."

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