Crimson Eyes

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Author's note~ Here's chapter four! Beware that this does have feels in it. If you get triggered quickly, that is. Sorry for lack of uploads. I posted the Author's note as the previous chapter. This is a bit of a longer chapter as well, so enjoy!

[Soul's POV]

Running after kid made me exhausted. I stopped and took a break as I looked around so I could try to see the young reaper around. But, I lost where Kid went. My stomach dropped as I immediately got up, running into the streets of Death City with no care in the world. I shoved past multiple people who weren't Kid at all, some of them even cursing back at me. But I just continued to run. 

I was apprehensive about Kid since he never really acted this way. I knew he probably misunderstood what happened between Maka and I and I just wanted to make things right again, if only I could find him. It was getting dark, so my hope was slowly disappearing.

People slowly disappeared from Death City as it became night time. I fell to my knees and cried, knowing I may have just lost Kid, the one who I just won, and the one who I grew to love. 

[Kid's POV]

I panted as I kept running from the white-haired weapon chasing me. I finally got to Gallow's Mansion, stepping inside and witnessing the symmetrical beauty I managed to achieve. Nobody was home, as usual. Liz and Patty were probably at Maka's for the night.

For some odd reason, Symmetry just didn't satisfy me enough. My heart still felt empty and betrayed just knowing that I lost something... No, Someone, that I loved. Sure, father wouldn't approve of me being gay since it wouldn't be great for our reputation. But whatever. I loved Soul, which is still hard to admit.

But all of that is over. Soul was too lovestruck for his own meister partner than me, the person he confessed to. Sometimes I wonder why he even bothered. My mind was full of rage as I grabbed one of my books out of anger, tossing it across the room. I cringed at the sound of the book's impact on the floor.  I think I'm losing my mind.

[Soul's POV]

I stayed outside for what seemed like hours, just crying in my own area. Why can I not do anything right anymore? It was only Maka; it's not like I LIKED her. Even though it's hard to believe, I was digging guys. Not girls. So why did Kid get so sensitive? Then again, this was Kid we were talking about.

I sighed. 

Of course, Kid would see something entirely different. He saw everything even though it could be wrong. This just frustrated me even more. Did I really lose Kid? The one who I had to FORCE myself into confessing? My eyes burned, and my muscles were tired from staying in the same position. I guess I should head home...

//The next day.//

I casually arrived at Death Academy like always, but this time without Maka. I refused to let her ride with me since I was a bit frustrated with her because of the incident with Kid. I know it was wrong to be mad at HER for it, but I just was. I can't control my feelings, ya know? I sound so uncool.

I walked in just to see everyone staring at papers, immediately glaring at me when I arrived. Maka rushed to me, her with a paper as well.

"Maka, what the hell is going on?" I stared at Maka, who just stared back at me with sympathy. Was something wrong? Why did people look at me differently?

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