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<Time skip to weekend>

" Frank! Get the hell up you dick, we're gonna miss breakfast." Gerard shakes the bed obnoxiously. I groan, throwing my pillow at him, and probably missing.

" No Fuck you. Bob's just gonna beat my ass again." I grumble, rolling on my side facing the wall. Gerard snickers.

" Cmon, last time he just punched you in the dick. Or lack there of." He laughs, prodding a bruise on my arm.

" I could say the same for you, asshole." I say slipping out of the top bunk. He rolls his eyes and throws me a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. I catch them before they hit my face.

" Hurry. We gotta go." He rushes. I grumble, pulling off my sweat pants I like to sleep in, and slipping into the jeans. Yanking the shirt over my black haired head. Gerard gave me a once over before giving a slight nod. I roll my eyes and push past him to the door. He scoffs, following close behind me. We reach the Lunch/Breakfast/Dinner room and round the corner into it. The line us fairly short since Gerard decides to wake me up early like a twat.

" Hey, you're meeting my brother today." Gerard says, smacking my arm for attention. It's a annoying habit of his that I'd like to break. Along with his cute nose but whatever. I glare at him but nod anyway, stepping into the line with a tray in hand.

Soon my tray if filled with up with today's food. Nothing good. I've grabbed the vegetarian options, an apple, granola bar and an unpleasant coffee. Gerard is at a table off a ways with his brother and another guy with an impressive amount of curly hair. I bite my lip and begin to walk over. Halfway there I have to dodge Bob's outstretched leg. Fucking prick.

" Hey Frank. 'S Mikey and Ray" Gerard says as I sit beside the younger Way. Mikey offers a shy smile while Ray straight up grins like the Cheshire cat.

" Hey Frank. Nice to meet you." Ray says, blinking happily at me. Well alright then.

Mikey murmurs a soft spoken greeting and Gerard purses his lips at him.

" He'll start talking like a normal person in a little bit. He's shy." Gerard quickly states through a mouthful of lettuce. Mikey glares at him, stabbing his fork moodily in the ' mashed potatoes' on his plate.

" That's umm, that's fine. I'm a bit shy myself." I mumble in an attempt to make Mikey more comfortable. He smirks shyly and starts talking to Ray. I stare down at my food.

My awful, unattractive food. The more I look at it the less it looks like food.

I could feel Gerard looking at me, so I stood.

" I'm gonna go..get... a, uhh, a fork." I hurry off trying to reach the fork thing, when Bob grabbed me by the scruff of my neck. Well great.

" Where do you think you're going, dickweed?" He growls, dragging me out into the hallway. I catch a teachers eye, who just brushes me off, shaking his head. His mouth formed something along the line of ' Boys will be boys.'

Bob slams me against the wall, making pain shoot up my already bruised back. Fuck's sake...

" You're a freak. Do everyone a favour, kill yourself or I'll do it for you." He grumbles, letting go of my shirt and watching me fall to the ground. There his boot violently collides with my stomach, making me double over even more. Alright, no. Not right now.

I mumble something to get him to lean in.

" What was that? Speak up you faggot!" I whip my elbow out, feeling it crunch against his nose. He cries out, clutching his face. I stand up with a grin and walk over to where he's stumbled.

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