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I woke up in what I'm guessing is the school's infirmary. Well I feel ing shit.

I try to sit up before laying back down due to the piercing pain in my side. Fuck that.

I scan the room before my eyes come to rest on Gerard's sleeping form. Well they kicked the shit out of him as well. How giving. The nurse walks out of her little office and smiles obnoxiously at me. She struts over to my bedside.

" Hello Frank! How do you feel?" She chirped in a peppy voice that made me want to projectile vomit every where.


" Let's see, My face hurts, my back hurts, my arms hurt, my legs hurt, and I'm pretty sure my nose and ribs are fucked up. How do you think I'm doing?" I growled at her. She looked surprised.

" Frank! Language! Anyway, I think you should be able to leave tomorrow, I need to check for any more injuries I may have missed." She spoke less cheerfully before walking over and studying sleeping Gerard. I huff, turning onto my side. Trying to fall back asleep even with the burning pain in my ribs. I listen to the Nurse interrogating Gerard about what had happened.

" And they just, jumped out?"

" Yeah, from behind the-" he cuts himself off with a cough. The Nurse mentions something about getting rest and her shoes click as she goes into her office.

Gerard sighs, turning his head to look at me. I close my eyes quickly, silently praying that he didn't see me up.

" Frank?" He croaks, I pretend to wake, stretching, then whimpering at the pain shooting through my body because of that 'stretch'.

" S' matter." I groan, turning over to look at him. He blinks, well half way. One eye is swollen too much.

" You alright?" I roll my eyes.

" I think you're the one we need to worry about. The fuck did those assholes do to you?" I grumbled, forcing myself into a sitting position.

" They threw me against the lockers after you passed out, and they uh, they broke my jaw and the blond one kicked me in the eye..." Gerard sighs, sitting up with a intense grimace.

" Fuck, Gerard! I'm sorry! Why didn't you run?" I gasped as he frowned at me.

" I didn't want a murdered roommate. I don't have time to be a witness." He grumbled, laying back down and crossing his arms over his chest.

" How thoughtful." I mutter under my breath and force myself to fall asleep.


My little nap is short lived. The Nurse wakes me, talking of the guidance councilor wanting to speak to Gerard and me.

Fucking hate guidance councilors are the spawn of satan. I hate them. They think they know about your life and tell you what to do and they always act happy and tell you to talk about your feelings. No go away.

" Hello. I'm Mr. Anderson. I'm this fine academy's guidance councilor, and I wanted to ask you young men about your encounter with the other young men in your year." The scruffy man said, pulling a chair to the center of the room and sitting there.

" Now, tell me what happened." Gerard and I exchange glances. I drop my gaze to my bed sheets.

" Don't be so shy. You shou-"

" Alright! Alright. I you want to know I'll tell you what they did. They beat the living hell out of us for being 'faggots' and ' emos'. They slammed us against things and made us bleed. Happy, Princess?" I spat at him. Anything to keep him from giving me live-lessons.

Boarding School for the Broken (Frerard/MCR)Where stories live. Discover now