chapter 3 ~special??~

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Agatha's POV

We heard someone humming behind the bushes.

We peaked who it was and we saw a beautiful old lady grooming and watering the plants

'Mm mm mmmm'.The old lady hummed

'Um hello?'I said.

'Oh hello,children welcome to my garden.' The old lady said.
She looked up at us and she smiled.

Also she was very pretty and she wore a beautiful dress outlined by black on the sides... She looks like the butterfly earlier...coincidence I think....( A/N: OR NOT!! just kidding, keep on reading)

'Umm hello?  We were just passing by and we—'

'Eghem' Elinor raised and eyebrow at me

'Ok I found the door, so we were curious of this door so we opened it and well ...... It revealed this beautiful garden before us...we're sorry if we're disturbing.....'

I said politely and Elinor noding to every word I said.

' oh no!! Nonononono! You're not disturbing.... Actually I would like to know something...'
She replied

'How did you get in here?'
She asked

'Umm we found a key and well basically I stepped on something earlier and it was a key'
Elinor answered

Umm OK so like were creepy adults who were just on vacation after maybe a few more months after we started work and my best friend stepped on something and I found a door which led to here and now I don't know what to say....

'And I found a mysterious door with the same design of the key when I looked around'

OK maybe I know what I'm gonna say

'And being the curious we are....we opened the door and walked through a long...but beautiful.....tunnel and found a secret garden'
Elinor continued

'Oh what very special girls you are....'
The lady said

Elinor and I looked at each other looking mystified and confused at the same time.

'The key and the door doesn't show up to normal two are very special and we need you in our world...'
The lady said as she smiled wider and wider which was a bit creepy for us because she said 'our world'

What does she mean by that anyways??

'Come come...I'm gonna show you what no one in your world has ever seen....'

She walked to a big tree and enter a door like thing and when we entered we saw....

What do you think they saw???

I bet their friendship is gonna be broken by a boy......

Nope wrong🙅🙅😋😋

Find out and read for your self

Secret Garden | FantasyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat