chapter 1~door?!~

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Agatha's POV

As Elinor changed into her bathing suit, I stole the key from her bag and wandered around, maybe I'll find something to do with this key...or maybe I could get rid of it so no more nuisance in our life.....


As I wandered I saw a shining door with the same design as the key  I stole earlier and the door was glowing.

The door was near some trees and there was a butterfly near the door, it had a beautiful blue-ish color on its wings outlined by black lines.

There was no door knob but instead it had a key hole, it's shape was a very rare and different yet mysterious hole.

Being the evil best friend I am, I tried to open it....

And surprisingly it opened and I saw a beautiful long tunnel of trees....

Ok I'm gonna go get Elinor


'Elinor! I saw a mysterious door outside and the design was the same as the key!! Let's go check it out!'

I slammed open the door to see a very surprised Elinor holding two towels.

'OMG AGATHA WHAT DID YOU DO?!'Elinor said really scared.

'Well,I realized that the door was the same design as the key so I stole it from you and opened it. So,do you want to explore it or what?'I said.

'Uh,s-sure.'Elinor said still surprised.

We walked down the long tunnel until we found the exit.

We saw..................

Lol cliffhanger

And also you already know what it is.....

Maybe?? Or NOT!!

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