Chapter 15

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Zyrella descended from the foredeck and joined Captain Rohl, Sergeant Daras, Ohzikar, and Jaska. "They're following us."

The captain cursed. "Your wards did little good then."

"It's difficult to ward an entire ship without extensive preparations."

"And we did manage to get past them," Jaska said.

"Even if we outrun them," said Rohl, "they'll catch us in Port Ylclys."

Jaska stepped away from Zyrella who had come too close for his comfort. "So we won't go there. Instead, you can drop us off near to shore and get away as fast as you can. Then you'll sail abroad for two weeks before returning to pick us up in Ylclys."

Sergeant Daras said, "It sounds risky to me. Though better than going to port, I'll admit."

The captain asked, "Do you care what part of Vaalshimar we land on?"

"We don't know precisely where we're going," Zyrella said. "We're trying to reach the Farseer."

"According to all the tales I've heard," said Daras, "the witch lives in the center of the island."

Rohl agreed. "Well, if it doesn't matter, there's a hidden cove I can take you to. Reefs abound in that area and if you don't already know them, you can't go it at speed. I learned it from my father, and we used it many times when I was a boy. I even escaped from some raiders there about a decade ago. Not sure I could do it at night or in bad weather, though."

"I can guide you in poor visibility," Jaska said. "I'll be able to detect obstructions you can't see. Of course, our pursuers can do the same. But they'll still be slowed more than us by not knowing the waters or our destination."

"I might be able to summon a dense fog behind us to slow them down," Zyrella said. "But it won't take long for them to dispel it. I'm certain they have a sorcerer aboard."

"Did you get a look at any of them?" Jaska asked.

"Vaguely. Salahn isn't with them. I saw two males in charge." She described their size and what few features she had been able to make out.

"The one you think is a sorcerer sounds like Eholar to me. Possibly Adynarh with him. If so, we are facing the best operatives Salahn has."

"How many are aboard the ship?" Ohzikar asked through a yawn. He was tired and lacked the glow Zyrella carried this morning. Sex and rest had restored her.

"As many rowers and sailors as we have, plus fifty or so soldiers. And maybe fifty palymfar as well."

Sergeant Daras replied, "We can't survive five minutes against those odds."

"I suggest we maintain full speed as long as possible," Jaska said. "Zyrella and I will continue to monitor their progress."

After Jaska left to meditate, Zyrella pulled Ohzikar aside. "You're drained."

"Didn't sleep well, that's all."

"You're a terrible liar."

"I'm exhausted and melancholy as always. It will only get worse." He took her hands and looked into her face. Anguish welled within his dark-rimmed eyes. "I love you, Ella. And I do desire you, but a few more times is all I can offer. It seems the drain is greater the longer we're apart. This is the worst it's ever been after a single time."

"Do you remember how I once told you that I might be draining life-force from you?"

Ohzikar laughed. "I remember. It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard."

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