Chapter Ten: Epilogue

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Seven years later
Albus's pov

It was Christmas, and the whole family was together, which was normal. But what Albus hadn't gotten used to yet, even though it wasn't the first year, was spending Christmas with his daughter. She was a joy, who constantly kept him happy, and sometimes he wondered how he got so lucky.

His daughter was named Cassiopeia, after a constellation like her other father Scorpius, and many before her. It was Draco's wish.

They adopted her when she was two, and she was four now, and a half-blood. Her birth mother a witch, her father a muggle. Her birth parents had died when she was young in something as common as a house fire, except the fire was started by an angry coworker of the father, because her dad had gotten the promotion instead of him. They didn't make it out of the house, and the mother's wand wasn't with her to put the fire out. Cassiopeia somehow survived, and lived in a muggle orphanage for her first two years, when the Ministry of Magic caught word of her. Instead of relocating her to a wizard's foster home or orphanage, Albus and Scorpius decided to adopt her. Her story reminded Albus of his father in a way, someone was after them, and only the child survived.

Now, Albus couldn't believe how lucky he was to have both her and Scorpius. He loved them both tremendously.

Cassiopeia, Cassie for short, was sitting on Albus's lap, when Scorpius sat down next to him, and put an arm around them, and Albus was zapped out of his thoughts, back to reality.

Scorpius smiled down at Cassie, and she giggled up at him.

"Daddy!" She cheered, and reached her arms toward Scorpius, a sign she wanted to be held by him. Albus handed her over to his husband.

"I love you soo much, daddy" Cassie said and giggled.

"Which one do you love the most?" Lily spoke up, smirking from across the room, sitting with her current boyfriend, Callum.

Albus outwardly rolled his eyes, but on the inside he was nervous. Who would his daughter say? What if it wasn't him? But if it was, how upset would Scorpius be?

Cassiopeia giggled. "Both of them!" She said firmly. Albus sighed of relief.

Lily sighed, but smiled at the little girl. "Okay, then which aunt do you love the most? Me or Samantha?"

"Don't make our daughter pick and choose between family members, Lily!" Scorpius scolded, her, but kept his voice light so he didn't upset his daughter.

Cassie gasped at Scorpius's tone. "Is Auntie Lulu in trouble?" She questioned.

Albus nodded. "Yes, yes she is."

"Go to time out!" Cassie yelled, pointing at the corner and smiling. She crossed her arms, quite adorably in Albus's opinion.

Lily faked shock. "But Cassie! How will I give you your present that Callum and I got you if I'm in time out?"

Cassie's mouth dropped open, forgetting her Aunt's so called punishment. "Present? Where?" She climbed down off her father's lap, and toddled over to her Aunt and Callum, and pulled herself up on the couch.

"When do I get my present?" She demanded.

"Later, when everyone else gets theirs." Lily told her.

"But that's not fair! I want now!" Cassiopeia cried.

Lily laughed, and pulled her niece into a hug.

Cassie sighed frustrated, and Albus looked over at Scorpius fondly.

Scorpius reached over and grabbed Albus's hand, lacing their fingers together. Albus would never get used to the butterflies in his stomach that his husband gave him, even after they were together for so long. And he was okay with that. He loved his life, and everyone in it.

He had never been happier.


Author's Note: so this is the last chapter! I hope you all enjoyed, I'm sorry if it wasn't that well edited, I wrote this almost a year ago on ao3. If you enjoyed, remember to hit that vote button ;)

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