Chapter Five

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Albus's pov

The next couple of months passed quickly enough, with things still slightly awkward between Albus and Scorpius, but finally it was winter break. Albus had begun to notice that ever since Scorpius's date with Rose, as time when on, Scorpius got increasingly nervous around him whenever Rose was near by. But Albus never commented on it, deciding it wasn't any of his business. As long as Scorpius didn't have any feelings for Rose, he surprised him self by deciding that he would stay out of their business.

What also surprised Albus, is that he didn't have any more awkward run ins with his father. Harry had never asked to speak with Albus again, after he ran out of his office that one time. Well, they did speak and Albus visited him some with the rest of his siblings, and occasionally Scorpius or Samantha, but Harry never brought up the topic.

Albus was thinking about all of that as he and Scorpius boarded the Hogwarts Express. They chose an empty compartment to sit in, and stay across from each other.

Albus looked out the window and sighed. "I'm going to miss you during the break Scorp." He told the blond boy.

Scorpius laughed. "Albus, are you serious? We won't even be apart for a full week, because my father and I are joining your whole family for Christmas."

Albus laughed too, and explained, "Well, I mean, I'm going to miss you for the other days that we aren't together." A fair blush coated his cheeks when he said that.

Scorpius smiled. "Well Albus, I'll miss you too. But we can always write each other!" He exclaimed.

Albus nodded, "yeah yeah, I know. It just won't be the same." He shrugged, and sighed dramatically, causing Scorpius to giggle.

They heard footsteps nearing the their compartment, and the door was open to reveal the trolley lady. Both of their eyes widened, and they scooted as far away from the door as they could get.

"Anything from the trolley?" She asked them, smiling, seemingly unaware to their reactions upon seeing her.

Scorpius shook his head. "N-no we're good, but t-thank you." He stuttered put, and both of the boys let out a relieved sigh as she left.

Albus chuckled. "I will never be able to look at her the same way, not since we tried to escape the train that one time." He said.

Scorpius nodded. "Oh I definitely agree with you. Now I know what really lies behind that seemingly sweet smile." He said, and smiled when Albus laughed.

Albus noticed him smiling at him, and he asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?" Suddenly self conscious.

Scorpius smiled again, "You're rather attractive when you smile, you should do it more." He said, not meaning to, and then blushed deeply when he realized what he said.

Albus's expression was shocked, and his face was turning red too.

Scorpius tried to say something, but Albus wasn't sure what. "I-uh, I meant, um-" Scorpius stuttered out, stopping immediately as the door opened once again, but this time to reveal Lily. He looked relieved to me momentarily forgotten by Albus.

"Hey boys! You don't mind if I join you do I?" Lily asked, then noticed both of the boys red complexions. "I er, wasn't interrupting anything, was I? Because I can leave if you need me too?" She began slowly backing towards the door.

"No!" Albus shouted. "I mean uh, no no you're fine, definitely not interrupting anything! I mean what could you have been interrupting? Nothing, nothing at all." Albus nervously chuckled, and Scorpius was nodding, a bit to quickly, along with everything Albus was saying.

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