Chapter One

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Albus's pov

Albus Potter was a lot of things, but a good actor was not one of them.

The first example, he can think of, was last year. It was when Scorpius asked Rose out, right in front of him. It was never something they had talked about, and it was not something Albus had ever expected. Rose didn't like Scorpius, never had, and he hoped never would. He had always just assumed Scorpius felt the same. But apparently, like always, he was wrong. Very wrong. He should have expected it to be honest, because nothing ever really did seem to work out in his favor. So Scorpius had called Rose over to their table in the Great Hall, and he asked her on a date to Hogsmeade. Now she had said no, but that didn't leave Albus feeling any better. He felt as if he was punched in the gut repeatedly. It showed on his face, and his behavior. He didn't even have it in him to comfort Scorpius, he fled from the Great Hall into a bathroom in the corridor. He had felt like throwing up and crying, and he didn't know why.

The second example he can think of, was over the summer. Scorpius had come on a family vacation with them to the beach. A magic free vacation, to a magic free place. It wasn't supposed to be that way, but the month prior, Lily's temper caused the windows of the house to break. She had claimed it was an accident but everyone knew otherwise. Albus had been excited to hang with Scorpius, but Scorpius had been excited to hang out and talk to Rose. That hit Albus hard, and he was in a sulky mood for the whole trip. His dad had tried to talk to him about it, but Albus wasn't having it. He barely understood his feelings, and didn't want to talk about it. And he didn't understand Scorpius's feelings either. Sometimes Albus would catch him talking to Rose (he definitely hadn't kept his eye on them for the whole summer), and though Scorpius was smiling, it didn't reach his eyes. Albus decided it must be because Scoripus was tired. Or something about girls, Albus never really understood dating girls.

The third example Albus could think of, well he couldn't stop thinking about it. It has just happened. They were back at Hogwarts, for the start of fifth year, and Scorpius had asked Rose out again in the Great Hall, after the new first years were sorted, and this time, she said yes. Albus didn't speak to anyone for the rest of the evening, and could barely manage congratulating Scorpius. After all, what was the point if you didn't mean it? This time, Albus felt as if his heart was ripped out of his chest, lying there on the ground...

Scorpius looked over at Albus, grinning wide, cheeks flushed, and excitement in his eyes. Albus's heart fluttered at having Scorpius look at him that way. It was a pleasant feeling, and Albus felt himself smiling in return. Maybe this year would be alright after all, maybe this was the year he could finally come to terms with his feelings. Maybe him and Scorpius wouldn't be just friends anymore. Albus mentally chided himself, as if that would happen he thought. When he saw Scorpius was still looking at him, he decided ask what was up.

"What's up Scorp? You look like a very excited puppy, that look's kinda cute on you." Albus mentally kicked himself. Why did he have to say that, what's Scorpius going to think. Do friends normally say that to each other? Is that normal?

It appeared that Scorpius didn't notice Albus's comment. He shook his head, and was bouncing his  leg happily. "I'm going to do it, today is the day, I am going to do it again, she has to say yes this time I just know it!" Scorpius exclaimed, his eyes looking over Albus's head.

Albus's brows furrowed. He didn't understand what Scorpius was talking about, until he turned around, to see Rose smiling at Scorp. His Scorp. His heart tugged painfully. "Oh mate...maybe you should wait...I mean..." He trailed of weakly.

"Wait? Why!? No Albus I think now is a good time, she looks so happy and radiant! Wish me luck!" Scorpius said and bounced out of his seat, over towards Rose. Albus watched him talking to Rose happily, and could tell when he asked her. His eyes turned hesitant, and he talked more slowly. He saw Rose thinking about it, but he didn't like the look in her eyes, he didn't know what it meant. Rose looked across the Great Hall and met Albus's eyes, and her face softened when she noticed how heartbroken he looked. He quickly cast his eyes to the floor. Rose turned back to Scorpius and put a smile on her face. She nodded, and said yes. That was when Albus felt his heart break in two. How could she betray him like that, when she saw how clearly on his face how he felt? Albus zoned out until Scorpius came back, excited.

"We aren't official yet, but she agreed to go with me to Hogsmeade next week Albus! This is unbelievable! I told you pity was a start!" Scorpius rambled, smiling, looking ever so beautiful, but Albus couldn't bring himself to smile.

Albus nodded weakly, "yeah...great." Was all he could manage.

Scorpius's smile trailed off, and now looked concerned. "Are you okay? Albus...?"

Albus didn't answer.

When they made it to their dorms, Albus didn't speak to Scorpius. He couldn't, because he would cry. He didn't want to think about what that meant, so of course that's all he thought about. He pulled the curtains shut on his bed, and curled up, on his side. Thick, hot tears streaming down his face. His worst nightmare had come true. He sobbed silently, aching, in pain, and longing for Scorpius. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know why he was feeling the way he was. If he was only supposed to want to be Scorpius's friend, then why did he wish he was in Roses's place? Why did he want more? Friends aren't supposed to want to kiss friends. Friends shouldn't feel that way about each other, especially if that friend was a boy.

Albus didn't sleep that night.


Albus was lying in his bed awake, when the curtains were ripped open, to reveal a very happy, blond boy, smiling down at Albus. Scorpius flopped down on the bed next to Albus, eagerly trying to shake him awake, not realizing Albus already was, and the only reason his eyes were closed was to hide how bloodshotted they were from staying awake all night.

"Rise and shine, you sleepy head! It's our first day back, we're going to be late! And that is never a good way to start your first day!" Scorpius rambled, as he always does when he's excited.

Albus groaned, and attempted a smile, but ended up frowning. "Why are you so excited? No one likes us, this year isn't going to be any different."

Scorpius smiled. "Oh Albus, always so Albusy, don't be such a downer." He chided.

That's when Albus realized why Scorpius must be in such a good mood, Rose. "You're only happy because you scored a date with my cousin, you jerk. Let the rest of us wallow in our pain." Albus said without thinking.

Scorpius stopped smiling. "Yeah...Rose. But does that make me a jerk? And what do you mean Albus, you're in pain? Did I do something? Did someone say something to you? Because you know James said we can tell him if anyone gives us trouble again." Scorpius paused and leaned down near Albus's face, and Albus opened his eyes, sensing something in front of him. A deep red blush immediately started crawling up his neck to his cheeks at Scorpius's face being so, so close to his own. He didn't breath. He realized they were the only two left in the dormitory.

Scorpius's eyebrows furrowed together. "Oh looks like you're heating up. And your eyes look all funny. Are you feeling alright? We should probably go see Madame Pomfrey, come here." Scorpius made to put his arm around Albus to help him off the bed, when Albus shot to his feet.

"No no...I'm alright, I just didn't sleep good, because I realized I forgot my...favorite quill! Yeah favorite quill...left it at my house, haha! I'm just gonna..." Albus gestured behind him towards the bathroom door, and stumbled over his feet before getting to the bathroom and shutting the door. Once alone, he immediately crouched down, with his back against the door, breathing heavily. Why did it feel like things were changing, and why did he never feel like this before. Or maybe he did, and just never noticed until Rose took Scorpius away, and made him realize he wanted Scorpius's affections all to his own, and not in a platonic way.

Albus decided that maybe, he would finally take his dad up on his offer of talking to him. Maybe he could help him figure out what was going on. No way he was going to go to Rose with this, like he normally does. Not anymore.

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