Chapter 5

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Raven P.O.V.

By the time I got out there I knew we were losing. I saw about one-hundred fiery demons surrounding the four Titans. Robin was doing the best he could to fend of the demons with his staff. Cyborg wasn't looking too good. He was broken, battered up and low on power but still hitting the demons with his sonic cannon. Beast Boy kept trying to attack them in T-Rex form but there were too many. Starfire kept trying to blast them with starbolts until one of them blasted her out of the sky. As she was falling to the ground I lost it and screamed,


Everyone immediately stopped fighting and stared at me. I floated in the air, white energy pouring out of my eyes.

"Raven! Get out of here! Run!" Robin yelled.

"Ah Raven so glad you could make it to the party." a familiar monotonous voice said from behind me. Slade stepped out of the shadows. I turned around to face him.

"Release my friends." I said angrily with the white energy in my eyes.

"It's not your friends I want, Raven. It's you," he said. Starfire struggled , trying to break free from the demons' grip.

"You will not take my friend!" Starfire yelled as she shot starbolts out of her green eyes until she collapsed. The smoke cleared from the explosions but Slade stood in the same spot, untouched and unharmed. Slade advanced towards me.

"Raven! Run!" Robin shouted at me. I admit a small part of me wanted to run. I wanted to escape. I wanted to run into my mother's arms and hear her soothing voice saying "It's alright My Little Raven. You're ok." I wanted to see her again but I knew that wasn't possible. I already lost my first family. I didn't want to lose another.

"I'll go with you.." I said.

"What!" Starfire exclaimed, "No Raven!"

"I have to do this Star. It's the only way to keep you safe," I said solemnly.

"Excellent choice, Raven," Slade said, "Well not like you had a choice."

"Raven!!" Starfire called to me.

"I'm sorry... it's the only way.." I said to her trying to keep a brave face but my voice was quavering at what was to come. "I'm sorry." Slade and I started walking away with the fire demons surrounding us with my friends calling my name desperately behind me. Tears welled in my eyes as I kept walking and didn't look back.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2017 ⏰

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