Chapter 3

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Raven P.O.V.

We all rushed out of the T shaped tower to go fight Plasmus. Ew. There he is.

"Titans! Go!" Robin yelled. Beast Boy transformed into a T-Rex and charged. Starfire flew up in the air, ready to attack. Cyborg's arm turned into a sonic cannon and Robin pulled out his infamous staff. I concentrated on a streetlight and threw it with my powers, slicing plasmus in half. He melted into a puddle and regained his form. Starfire threw starbolts at Plasmus but it didn't seem to take any damage. Cyborg blasted it constantly but it just regained its form. Robin tried to hit it with his staff but his staff got stuck in the slimy body of Plasmus until the slime engulfed his staff. He retreated and threw bombs at it but it didn't help. Once I saw Starfire get hit by a flying car, I lost all control.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" I yelled my eyes turning white. "AZARATH METRION ZINTHOS!" My soul-self left my body and flew straight into Plasmus and suddenly Plasmus exploded! My soul returned into my body.

"Woah.." Beast Boy said.

"Thanks Raven!" Robin said.

"Who wants pizza?" I asked.


After pizza, we all walked through a nearby park. It was beautiful day and the sun was shining. Beast Boy kept telling bad jokes and I pretended to laugh. The fact that the world was ending today distracted me a little bit though. Starfire seemed to notice my concerned state.

"Are you sure you're ok Raven?" she asked me.

"I'm perfectly fine!" I said too quickly. I felt bad for lying to Starfire but I had to. For her.

"Well if something is bothering you, I am always here to talk about it. Like we used too." she said.

"Yo Rae! How bout a quick game of STANKBALL!" Cyborg asked.

"Sure," I said.

"Wait Raven!" Robin said, "What's up with you today? First breakfast, pizza and now Stankball? Why are you being so nice?"

"I just want you all to have a good day," I said. I could feel the guilt and sadness though my voice. Suddenly, the sun went down and the sky went dark. My birthmarks started glowing and I fell forwards. Starfire caught me and laid me down on the grass. She had a look of sadness in her eyes. That look made me want to do anything to make her happy no matter what it took.

"Today- Today is the day isn't it?" she asked solemnly.

I gave her a weak nod and passed out in the grass. Starfire picked me up and flew back to the tower with me in her arms. She's strong. And pretty. Her eyes. Yes. Much better than green skin.

What am I thinking? Now's not the time to fall in love.

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