Chapter 3 the ex husband

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Jacks pov

I walk into my office and I'm greeted by my personal assistant Amber. She smiles as I walk by revealing her perfect white teeth. She walks in behind me to go over my schedule for today. After telling me everything I had to do today I waved her off.

I decided to call my ex-father in law and now business partner Mark Davidson. Mr Davidson and I have decided to become partners in his architect company 3 years ago.

He's getting old and since he doesn't have any kids except for his disgrace of a daughter who he disowned, he decided it's better that I take over.

He picked up after three rings "Hey Mark"

"Ah Jack, how are you my son?"

"I'm good and you?"

"I'm all good. Uh I was meaning to talk to you about something and I thought that maybe we can discuss it over diner. You can bring Elena along with you and we can make it a small reunion. "

"Sure , I'm free tonight. I'll make the reservations." Elena walked in at that moment and sat on my lap.

"Excellent" we bid our goodbyes and I hung up the phone. Elena started kissing me and I knew that she wanted it. I turned her over, pulled her skirt up while she took off her panties. I took off my pants and with that I plunged into her. (Okay I think we all know what happens there)

After our heated session I got back to work while Elena was busy fixing her clothes.

"We're having dinner with Mark and Julia tonight." I inform her as she walked over to me and sat on my lap again.

"Urgh again? What does he want now?"

"I have no idea. He said that he wanted to talk to me ."

"About what? Why do I have to go if he wants to talk to you?"

"If I knew I would've told you... and because your my wife it's your duty to be by my side at all times."

"Don't give me that tone Jack. I am always by your side and you know it."

"I know baby. Let's just see what my dear father in law wants, okay?'

"Ex-father in law, need I remind you? Your no longer married to his disgrace of a daughter."

"Still jealous babe? I thought you loved Mark? I thought he's your daddy?" I said while knowing that deep down she's always been jealous. She won't admit it but it's true.

"Jealous? "She fake laughed." And what do I have to be jealous for ? That good for nothing little whore you married? Need I remind you why you divorced her? She was of no use too you honey and that's why you came crawling back to me because you've always known that I'm so much better than her." She grabed my chin and kissed me hard and than turned around to leave.

"Be ready at seven Elena" She turned around and left. I called my PA Amber and told her to make reservations for four people at the finest restaurant. I hung up the phone and went straight back to work.

Elena's pov

I walked out of JohnDavidson Co . building fuming at Jack's comment. I got into my car and drove off to my store Christine's.

Christines is my clothing store and was originally owned by my ex best friend / my husbands ex wife Shaylene Davidson. She had the place first and it was named Lene's Beauty Boutique.

I changed the name to Christine's after I stole it from Shaylene. Christene was my mother's name , the only person I've ever loved and who ever loved me.

I walked into the store and were greeted by my staff. After I took the place from Shaylene , I fired all of her workers and hired new staff. I didn't want to be reminded of her constantly ,that is also why I changed the entire store according to my taste and style.

I remember the day I made my so called "friend" sign half of her belongings over to me. Which included the clothing store, the hair salon, the hotel and her private island.


It was shortly after Shay got released from the hospital. She was in a wheelchair and the doctor said she might not be able to walk again ever. I went over to her house to give her a few papers to sign. Of course she didn't know what my plans were, no one new, not even Jack. Well I couldn't trust him back then cause he was still playing the role of the perfect hubby. I sat down with her and pretended to care about her and the future of her businesses that she has worked so hard on. I promised to run it until she was capable of doing it herself. I made her believe that everything was gonna be alright and the stupid naive little girl she was, she believed me. I went by her house every week to talk about her business and to soften her of course. It took me three months and I finally got it. She called me to come over and gave me the good news, that I was the only one she trusted and that it now all belonged to me. She was depressed and I used that to get what I wanted . It paid of perfectly...

I smiled at the thought of my once" best friends"suffering.

After checking up on my store , I jumped in my car and drove home to get ready for our dinner.

Hey guys

I am so sorry for not updating sooner. I lost inspiration.

I will try my best to update more often and I promise just will not keep you waiting for so long again.

So , what do you think of Elena? Do you think she's still jealous of Shaylene?

I wrote this chapter specifically so you can see what's going on in Jack's life 4 Years later.

Let me know what you think of the story so far😊😊

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