Chapter 1 ( four years later)

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4 Years later

"Katy , I'm here" I called out to her . She walked out with a bucket full of freshly baked muffins.

"Good morning Shay" She greeted and walked over to hug me. It's something she does a lot. She's a hugger and it first it felt awkward ,but now I'm kinda loving it.

"Good morning Katy, I see your already busy hmm " We're catering a birthday party today for a ten year old little girl.

"Yip,I'm already finished with the muffins. Now we need to start with the Disney themed cake you've promised. " I smiled and followed her through the kitchen.

The rest of our employees started arriving. I could smell the sweet aroma of coffee filled the air and I knew that that meant Oliver was here. Just as suspected , I walked out of the kitchen and faced Oliver with a cup of coffee in hand." Here you go Shaylene. We both know you can't start your day without it." I laughed and took the cup from him

"Thank you Oliver " I walked back into the kitchen and started preparing everything for the day ahead. The restaurant will be opening in thirty minutes and we still have the birthday party to cater. It's Saturday today which means it's gonna get quite busy.

I bought this restaurant a year ago and I never thought it would be a success. To be honest , I didn't know what I was doing but I just got tired of struggling and I needed a way to make money. Before I bought the place , I worked here as a waitress for the previous owner. It was a struggle because I couldn't possibly live on the Scrabs I was given but I had no other choice.

After Jack tossed me in front of that building, I thought my life was over. I've stayed in the disabled home for two and a half years. I used to hate that place but now I have a great deal of respect towards it.

After living there for two years , the doctors came to me with some good news. I didn't want to believe them because I didn't want to get my hopes up just to get it shattered again. They told me that there's a possibility, with a lot of practice though that I might walk again.

I spent hours in therapy and in the end it all worked out great. I didn't believe that I was ever going to walk again . The feeling in my legs returned and I was grateful. The doctors said it would take time and it did. Eventually after a whole year I was finally able to walk. It was the best day of my life.

My physiotherapist had advised me to exercise a lot and it has become a part of my daily routine. Shortly after my recovery, I started looking for a job and that's when I got a job as a waitress at the restaurant that I now own.

I didn't have a penny to my name when Jack kicked me out of our house. I had nothing but the clothes on my back. The only clothes I had was the ones they provided for me at the disabled home I was in.

One night , me and Bertha were watching television and the lottery show came up. Billy , Bertha's boyfriend played all the time but never won. They encouraged me to play but I just didn't believe in it . " Why waste money you didn't even have just to loose." I said.

After working my butt of month after month I still wasn't satisfied with the small amount of money I made. I didn't have to pay rent since the people here at the home was understanding and said I could stay until I could afford to live on my own.

I came home one night and found Billy sitting on the porch whilst looking at the stars. His health condition worsened and there was nothing the doctors could have done for him. I sat there with him and stared into space. He touched me and gave me his ticket and I laughed.

A few days later Billy passed away and has left me with a letter in hand and a sum of one hundred and twenty five million. He stated clearly in the letter that he wanted me to get out of this dreadful place and start a new life for myself.

A few months later , I bought a house for myself , along with a car and this restaurant. I've invested half of that money in the bank and the other half to pursue my dreams and goals in life.

I was determined to be happy again and enjoy life to the fullest and so here I am doing just that.

Hey guys

So I hope you'll enjoy this book as much as I'm enjoying writing it.

I know it seems a bit wild but I'm a dreamer lol.

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