Trigger Love

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 I'm in to deep now, there's no escape. Someone's going to pull the trigger and end it all. Not me, not him. No way out. I'm stuck in this downwards spiral. Will it ever get easier? 

I felt a tug on my arm 'Come on Cy!'

I tore away my eyes from the beautiful dress that was on display on the manikin. It was designed to be a very formal dress. It was a pale blue long, sleek dress with a slit on the side to show leg, then it cuddled closely to the figure and formed a v line on the chest which went out to the long sleeves. The top was covered in tiny diamantes which sparkled in the light and then fewer appeared as if they were fading into the dress as it went down. I'm not usually one for dresses, in fact I only own a few skirts and heels, I'd much rather wear trainers and jeans and a pretty top. But this was just breath taking.

My friend Lilibeth was tugging on my arm. 'Come on, lets go look at some other shops. You can't afford that and you know it so there's no point drooling over it.'

I let her pull me away and I followed her to the next shop. Lilibeth and I had been friends for years. We met when we were 11 at school because we were the only two people who hadn't paired up with someone, ever since then we've sort of become inseparable. We were out shopping for the day in London where we live but, as per normal, I couldn't afford much. Unlike Lil on the other hand whose loaded.

I love London, its so busy and alive all the time. I like the freedom we have at that we can walk anywhere we like and just get the tube to different places. Makes travelling a whole lot easier. My Mum and Dad split when I was 3, so now its just me, my mum and my older brother Theo. My older brother and I are pretty close because of what happened, and with mum always working, he's had to look out for me. He's 21 and I'm 17 so there's only 4 years between us.  I was dragged back out of my thoughts to the strong smell of perfume.

'What's that strong smell!' I gasp, I bit too loudly.

'Its designer.' Answers Lili as if that solves everything.

My tummy grumbles loudly. I've just realised how hungry I am, and its lunch time. 'Can we go get lunch now I'm starving!' I say to Lili. She agrees and we head out to find somewhere to eat.

We found a nice little shop that did sandwiches and sausage rolls which is near my house and I visit lots. So we made our way to the massive park, which sort of sits between our houses and is where we usually meet up, and sat down on the grass. Luckily it was a hot day so we could lounge out and soak up the sun.

Lili starts to a look a bit uncomfortable, she keeps glancing around and fidgeting. 'What's wrong? You look uncomfortable.' I ask.

'There's a boy over there whose watching us, and he's really hot so I'm trying to be pretty.' She replies.

'And failing' I laugh, she shoots me a your so funny face. 'Seriously though don't you think its a bit creepy he's watching us?' I question.

'No, he looks about our age so he's probably just interested or bored.' She replied relaxed.

I still think its weird though but she seems fine so maybe I'm being uptight. My phone vibrates, I've got a text from my mum.

'Lili I need to head now cause mum wants me home to help make tea, sorry.'

'It's fine, I'll walk with you.' she starts to get up.

As we are walking out of the park I feel like I'm being watched or followed, so I slow down my pace and pretend to be looking at my phone. The person who I can feel following also slows down. I don't like this. I whip around quickly and see the boy who was watching us from before. Lili notices too. We must of caught him by surprise as he stops in his tracks, then a smile forms on his face and he walks up towards us. I start to back away pulling Lili, but she stays. God she's SO annoying! She's such a suck up to boys!! The boy reaches us.

'Why are you following us?' I say before he can say anything. Lil turns round and glares at me.

'I'm sorry, I just thought you were so pretty, i was trying to pluck up the courage to say hi, I didn't mean to scare you,' The boy smiled. 'I'm Jake by the way.'

Lili grinned and blushed ' I'm Lilibeth, but you can call me Lili and this is my friend..'

'Whose leaving bye!' I interupt as I try to drag Lili with me. But she's not moving.

'Sorry about that,' she says ignoring me. 'This is my friend Cyra.' She smiles politely at him, looking him up and down as she does. She's such a flirt its ridiculous. Explains how she gets the boys though, that and her beautiful looks and her expensive clothing. Lili is tall and skinny with long blonde, wavy hair, tanned skin and perfect features with a wide smile. She's gorgeous and looks like a model. Where as I on the other hand, am average height, skinny, with medium length brown, straight hair and is a tiny bit tanned, if that. I use fake tan but it never works. I have big green eyes, a small nose and medium mouth. I could be prettier but I like how I look so I don't mind much.

'Nice to meet you 'you can call me Lili' and 'leaving Cyra' he chuckles. Lili giggles as well, as if its really funny. I just glare at him. He thinks he's so cool stalking girls then flirting with them ad if it makes it okay.

'Well your friend looks like she really doesn't want to be here and that she needs to go. So I'll see you around.' He smiles to Lili. 'Bye beautiful.' he smiles to me then walks off.

HOW DARE HE!! THE NERVE OF THAT BOY!! I AM FUMING!!! I'm so glad I won't see him again.

Hey, so this is my first story and I have loads planned for it. DRAMA DRAMA!!! if you could please share and stuff that would be greatly appreciated! Thanks :)

May xo 

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