Final Trip

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Hai! we have another story and thanks for all the nice comments omg love you guys! XD also, we write about kalel a tiny bit in this chapter but we are not hating on kalel! just to Warne it's just for the story! it's fiction!!!

Ian sighed as he looked up at his best friend who was helping the camera crew pack up. Tears threatened to fall when he was again reminded that it was their last ever smosh shoot, before Anthony left.

   Anthony was leaving him, leaving smosh. leaving his friendship or whatever it was. Ian still couldn't figure out his feelings for Anthony, which only made him feel more upset. He trembled as he sat on the smosh couch, telling himself over and over that it was time he grew up and that Smosh always had to come to an end at some point.

   He would have told Anthony how he felt but whenever he looked at him he seemed to get a lump in his throat, his cheeks would blush and his words would fumble. Ian still had no idea what he felt for Anything or why.


"So that's the last of it." Anthony sighed brushing his hands off as the camera crew left for the last time leaving only him and Ian.

Ian remained quiet as he looked up, dreading the day when anthony would stop visiting him, the day when anthony would forget about him and forget about smosh.

"Yeah." Ian whispered staring at the ground in misery. His bottom lip trembled as he let out a sob.

   Anthony sighed and sat down wrapping an arm round Ian.

"Hey bud." He whispered lovingly in his ear. "I'm here. and I always will be. I'll visit you all the time!" he laughed, rocking Ian gently in his arms.

"Y-yeah I know." The bowl haired man replies wiping his tears and putting on a brave smile, not really believing his words.

"You know I don't like leaving you Ian." The darker haired boy sighed hugging Ian closer. He always felt oblidged to protect and help his bestfriend, never knowing why.

Ian let put another slight sob. "Then why are you?" he wept on anthonys shoulder hearing both of their racing heart beats at the same time.

"Ian. Babe. It's just Kalel really wanted to get away you know? It's time we grew up don't you think?" Anthony said gently stroking Ians slightly messy bowl hair.

Ian new Anthony was quoting from kalel. He new kalel just wanted to make anthony more of a grown up, responsible adult so she could start a family. Ian also caught on that kalel didn't think much of him; always giving him raised eyebrows and the rolling of the eyes like he was a bad influence on Anthony.

"Oh o-okay." Ian sighed and tried to stop the tears. "I guess."

Anthony smiled at Ian with a small chuckle, still holding him gently. "see eveythings okay I'm really happy! and you must be happy too you've got this whole place to yourself as well as your lovely girlfriend Melanie!"

Ian smiled slightly at the sound of melanies name, thinking of his other bestfriend. "Um...yeah sure." he wiped his eyes again and looked at the ground sadly.

Anthony bit his lip feeling his heart crush slightly in his chest at the broken look on his best friends face.

"hey." He whispered leaning in close with a happy grin. "we still have that vacation to go on? remember the last trip we go on before I move?" He laughed, making Ian's eyes brighten.

"Oh yeah!" he said slightly less tearfully. "I can't wait." He looked up at anthony with twinkling blue eyes swirling with mixtures of emotions.

"You packed babe?" Anthony asked with a chuckle. "remember we're going to Hawaii so...pack tropical." he said excitedly.

Ian's heart leapt at the word 'babe' and suddenly felt some of the sadness drain out of him, instantly lightening his mood.

"Why do you call me that?" he laughed with a frown, looking up at anthony with a adoring smile that always seemed to make Anthony blush slightly.

"Call you what?" he snickered with a shrug as he stood up from the couch.

Ian laughed and skipped around anthony playfully. "Babe." he said simply trying to hide his blush by keeping his head down.

Anthony chuckled in realisation and crossed his arms thoughtfully.

"I don't know really. it always seems to make you happy." he smiled watching Ian stop.

"Oh okay then." Ian replied trying to forget the idea of loosing Anthony forever. He stared up into his chocolate brown eyes and began gazing dreamily. The eyes he had known since high school, scared him at the thought of never seeing them again.

"you go pack then k?" Anthony laughed turning Ian around and giving him a friendly slap on the ass. "Go." he grinned noticing Ian's cheeks go crimson.

Final Trip-IanthonyWhere stories live. Discover now