The Dominate Species

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"The first time this place has looked liked this was when I bought it" I said

"You owe me" Austin said "you owe me double"

"Thank you guys even though you guys cockblocked me but thank you" I said

They chuckled

"Your welcome" Riley said

"I think she's waiting" Austin said

"Let's do this" I said

I grabbed my keys and stood in front of the door

"You guys better be gone by the time I get back" I said

"Count on it" Riley said

I walked out the door and drove to carly's address.

I leaned against my car and waited for carly

"Hi" I said

"Hi" Carly said

I opened the door "Your chariot awaits"

"Why thank you" Carly said excited

Carly entered the vehicle, I closed the door behind her and got on the other side and back to my homestead

"Let's hope they're gone" I thought to myself

I opened the door and both Austin and Riley were gone

"So, what's on the agenda for tonight" Carly said

I pointed to the table, where a stack of DVD's sat

"That's a lot of movies" Carly said

"I tried to think about every detail" I said

Carly walked around

"Thank you guys" I said to myself

"I'll take your jacket" I said

"What a gentlemen" Carly said

Carly pulled her jacket down to her elbows and I softly took it off her and hung it up

"Shall we?" I said

We sat down on the couch and began to watch

A few hours later we watched the entire stack of movies and ate almost every piece of food

"That last one was very questionable" Carly said

"Yeah...that's a weird one" I said

"Man, your friend really knows how to cook, i'm full" Carly exaggerated

I chuckled

"Well, he doesn't live too far from me, you can meet him one day" I said

Carly snuggled up next to me

"Funny thing is, this is actually the first time i've ever been on a date like this" Carly said

"Pretty creative huh?" I said

Carly nodded "I think we might have one last thing to do tonight"

"Really? And what's that" I said

Carly looked up at me and kissed my lips

"That" Carly said smiling

I ran my hand through her hair and kissed her back, kissing her neck

Carly blushed and pushed me on my back

Carly smiled "I don't think is supposed to happen on the first date"

She put my hands behind my head

"But I don't care, I'll take care of you don't worry" Carly said

"I knew there was a reason why I liked you" I said

Carly grabbed at my waist line a yanked my pants down, she around my crotch

"Mmmm, is this dessert?" Carly said lustfully "dinner and a show?"

"A-" I said being stopped

"Does that feel good, hmm does it feel good if I do this" Carly said

I let out a loud gasp

"Aww man" I said to myself "I made the right fucking choice"

Carly looked at me and wiped her mouth off "Taste like candy"

She stood up and began to undress slowly being a tease, she dragged her hands up and down her body

She sat on top of me, grinding against me, she leaned forward and whispered in my ear

"If it accidentally goes in let it happen" she said "No trouble in that"

I blushed

Carly let out a loud moan "Fuck!"

Carly sat back "Fuck, fuck, fuck"

I groaned

Carly put her hands on my chest and began going up and down slowly

"Fucking fuck!" Carly screamed

"My neighbors" I said

Carly stopped "Sorry"

Carly began to go faster and faster and faster

She fell forward, grabbing at my shoulders, whispering in my ear "Take me"

I wrapped my arms around her and began to thrust

Carly screamed in ecstasy

"Yes, yes, yes right there don't stop" Carly screamed

Carly got down on her knees "I want to taste it more"

Carly licks the tip slowly and pulls it in all the way

I pulled her head forward and finished

Carly wiped her mouth off "Thanks for dessert" 

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