She Entered

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A couple minutes later,

I enter my home, crashing on the couch

I let out a loud groan

I walk to my bedroom and just fall asleep

The next morning

I awoke to a knocking at my door, I sluggishly walk to the door and open it

"Wow, did you just wake up"

I nodded "What do you want?"

"A little friendly introduction"

"Hi Austin, now what do need?" I said

"Better" Austin said cocky "I actually need your help"

"That's a first" I said ushering him inside

"Do you always sleep with jeans on?" He said

"Do you not have a hangover?" I said

"A slight one why?" Austin asked

"No worries, now you need my help?" I said

"Yeah, um it's my bae's birthday in the next couple of days and I don't know what to get them" Austin said

I looked at him confused "How about you go to someone who isn't straight"

"See that's the problem, they're all busy did you really think you were my first choice?" he said

I shook my head no

"What did you get courtney?" Austin asked

"Shut up" I said tired

I walk into my kitchen and splash water on my face

"I kinda expected this from, I mean like having a dirty house" Austin said

"Can you not talk?" I said wiping the water off my face "What do they like?"

"Their basically you" Austin said

"What?" I said confused

"I mean he's into comic books and nerdy stuff" austin explained

"What in general?" I said

"Like doctor who" Austin said

"That's not hard" I said "Um got any plans for the next couple of minutes"

"No" He said

"Alright cool um I'll meet you at the mall" I said laughing

"Why not now?" He said "Nevermind"

He left

I quickly take a shower and meet up with Austin at the mall

"Think you made the right choice coming to me?" I ask

"I think so" He said "Don't make me regret it"

"I have two agendas today, one help you and two ask the cute girl for her number possibly" I said

"Cute girl?" Austin said intrigued "You gonna get back into dating?"

I shrugged

"I'll help you" Austin said "dude remember wingman"

"I don't know" I said "The last time that happened you almost got locked up"

"Yeah, but that was me helping jordan, bad idea" Austin said chuckling

I laughed

We walked into the nerdist place could think of

"Are you sure he'll like this" Austin said hesitantly

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