The Stars

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"Give me one second" I said

I quickly jog back into the house

"Um.." I said "So.. Courtney and I are leaving together"

"Aren't you guys broken up?" Everett said

I nodded "She wants to go to the rift's edge"

"You mean that spot where teenagers go to kiss?" Jordan asked

"How would you know?" Austin asked "You know what nevermind"

"So, I will see you guys tomorrow possibly" I said

"That's if she doesn't fuck you" Everett said

I walk out the house casually and walked back to courtney at her car

"Sorry about that" I said

"It's whatever" Courtney said "You have my keys"

I reached into my pocket and took her keys

"Do you want me to drive?" I asked

"Duh" Courtney said

We take a trip to the rift's edge

We laid on top of the roof of courtney's car and store up at the sky

"What is that you told me something about the stars" Courtney said "You showed me the big dipper i think, i forget where it was care to show me"

"Follow my hand" I said

I traced the constellation out

"Can i ask you a question?" Courtney asked

"Shoot" I said

"Why space, why do you like space so much?" Courtney said

"It's more than liking space, it's what lies beyond space that makes me love space" i said

Courtney moved closer to me and rested her head on my stomach

"Are you sure?" Courtney said

"I'm completely sure" I said "Space is really cool"

Courtney sat on my lap

"Are you sure or is there something else you love" Courtney asked

"What are you planning" I said gleefully

Courtney guided her hands up my chest "Nothing"

My hands made their way to her hips

"Are you sure?" I said cocky

Courtney giggled "Why does this always happen"

"I don't really know" I said

"What's wrong, you're happy tone shifted to sadness" Courtney said worried

I shook my head no

"Every time you do that doesn't clear anything up, Max i know your tricks like i'd forget" Courtney said "You show affection but as soon as we start it fades away"

Courtney laid ontop of me and put her finger on my nose "No, no more"

I let out a deep sigh "Fine"

Courtney sat up and looked at the time

"Damn it" She said "I gotta go"

"Did you go back to school?" I ask

"No no, um.. You can say that" Courtney said

The next day,

I store at the ceiling thinking

My phone rings

I answer "Hello?"


"Yo" I said

"What happened to you last night? After courtney took you,you just disappeared"

"Oh, um so courtney had to leave and she drove me home" I answered

"So your home right now?"

"Yeah" I said "You coming through?"

"Nah, um i need your help"

"With what?" I said

"You know what"

"You know i don't deal with that shit no more" I said

I hung up

I sat up and ran my through my hair and stroke my beard, I let out a deep sigh

I walk into the bathroom and look into the mirror "Fuck your a mess"

Somebody knocked on the door

I walked to the door and opened

"Hey- god damn you look like shit"

"Thanks" I said tiredly "What'cha need"

"Can i come in"

I let them inside and closed the door

"Why does everybody know where I live?" I thought to myself

I turn around to face them

"Ugh.." I said

They walked closer to me and pressed me against the wall

"Hi max I totally forgot to say that"

I groaned

My phone rang in the distance

"Can i?" I said

I walked to answer the phone

"Max" Courtney said

"H-Hi" I said struggling

"Are you okay?" She asked "You sound like you're being tied up"


"Hey, im nearby can i come over?" Courtney asked

"S-sure" I said struggling

"Are you sure you're okay?" courtney said

"Yep" I said

She hung up

"You're no fun"

"And shouldn't be here" I said

"Come on I can't visit an old friend"

"You can visit an old friend but not try to fucking seduce them and fucking naked god damn it!"

"Whatever max, you'll never get this again"

"I never wanted that in the first place" I said

The person walked out in angry

I let out a loud yell in frustration 

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