∆ Six ∆

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"You know... I can barely count on one hand how many times you almost got me killed," Wren said as he picked at his nails.

Silas looked at him. Wren did not have to pick up his head to tell. Silas' brown eyes had that uncanny feel about them that made Wren both wary and curious.

"Perhaps, your other hand would prove useful then."

Wren snapped his head up and glared at him. He knew better than to pick a fight with a person such as Silas, but Wren had it in his mind to believe if he did it enough, Silas would go on his own. Or at least would not want him to accompany him back to Wren's home. He did not want to go back there, but he had no other choice. It was that or be dragged around to some other godforsaken place.

"Or you could use mine if you would like," Silas added causing Wren to smile.

"When did you become so brazen, I wonder."

"Since meeting a man who calls himself a pirate, I believe." Silas gave him a small smile in return as he picked up his pace to match Wren's.

Despite his words and constant picking, Wren found himself warming to the man. He was not so bad and he had a little humor in him that caused unbidden smiles to cross his face because it was so unexpected of him.

"I do not just call myself a pirate. I am a pirate," Wren clarified. He shielded his eyes from the bright rays of sunlight as they left the coverage of the trees and into the opening of the great valley. There was nothing but long green grass and trees with thick trunks. Some had fruits growing from them others flowers that matched the colors of sunset.

"Hah. See I told you this was the right way. I am the Master of Direction."

Silas nodded absently as he gazed around at his surroundings. He looked back at Wren and lowered his eyes.

"You have a role to play in this. When it is all over, you can go back to how it used to be before you met me. But not now, Wren."

Wren stopped himself from picking the red fruit and looked back at Silas. "In what? Tell me exactly what role I have to play in all of this madness? All I see is near death with every encounter we have with someone."

"But you will not die. Because I am here. I will protect you," Silas murmured.

"Is that all you took away from what I just said?" Wren rubbed his forehead. Silas was just as clueless as when he first met him. Wren reached up and grabbed an apple. Why not take a couple more? He took more from the tree until he had a pile of them in his arms. "Let me guess because I am yours?"

Silas nodded.

Wren would have much preferred him to be the half-mad fool he thought Silas was in the beginning as to now. These beings, as great as they were, proved time and time again to bring misery and misfortune upon those who stayed close. Just look at his people. Look what they have become worshiping such things. His people called them gods... but they were nothing more than just monsters with tremendous power.

Wren flattened some of the grass and laid the apples there. He took one and polished it on his shirt before taking a big bite of it. What had he done to deserve this? The more Wren thought about it the more he realized that was not the best question to ask, taking into consideration his line of work. Wren coughed and cleared his throat.

"Come have an apple or two. I know you're hungry. As always," Wren muttered. He bit into his apple again and chewed. He could hardly savor the sweet taste given his situation. When Silas came towards him, Wren held up another apple expecting him to take it, but he did not. Instead, Silas bit into the other side of Wren's apple already in his mouth.

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