∆ Three ∆

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Wren could see the town and its many ports to the Tipras sea. There was a flood of people there inside the city's high walls. He could make out a gleam from a soldier's helmet followed by two more from the top of the towering structure. When he turned to look at Silas, he raised his hand silencing Silas before he could speak.

"Yes, yes, yes, I know. You are hungry. I will feed you. I swear I will. Just as soon as we get there." Wren pointed to the town. "They have lots of delicious food. I will buy you as much as you like. As much as you like. Just please--" Wren pleaded, "just please stay quiet and walk faster until then."

Wren heard how his stomach growled last night. They hadn't eaten a thing since leaving Tala. Of course, he knew he was hungry. He was hungry too!

"I am hungry now," Silas whined.

Wren slapped his hand against the side of his face and rubbed it aimlessly. What kind of slave was he to behave this way? I'm hungry this. I'm hungry that. I'm tired. I'm cold. I'm sleepy. Great Gods in the sky, why did he deserve such a creature as him? Whatever reason for being in a cage that day, Wren was certain it was not just for being a slave.

"You are not a child. You are a man. A grown man. Act like it," Wren growled.

He looked at Silas again, noticing how his back slouched and how he lagged behind. Despite how aggravating he was, he only ever wanted three things: food, water, and a warm place to sleep. He never asked for much more than that. Silas rubbed his stomach and looked at him again with lowered eyes. The man, whatever he was, had saved his life more than once, so he would have to bite his tongue and make do. He owed him that much.

"Forgive me for my outburst. It's my hunger talking."

Wren took Silas' wrist in his hand and tugged him closer, so he wasn't leaving him behind. As much as he wanted to rush to gates and be rid of the nuisance that was him, he could not find it in all of his wretched self to do such a thing. Wren glanced at Silas for a moment. Their eyes locked and again, Wren felt a heaviness in his chest when he gazed into the world. What brown eyes he had to make him feel that kind of sensation. He cleared his throat and focused on the gate ahead. 

Sweet talk and story were all he needed to get them in without the proper paperwork. The men of this town were known to be with one another in intimate ways, so that would not be a problem. Should he go with a sad tale or one of angst or violence? Wren thumbed his bottom lip and pondered on it. Soon enough they were at the gate and he had not devised a story. 

"Names and papers," a soldier beckoned from inside the gate. 

"I am Wren Taekata and this is my paramour. We have been ostracized from our city and had to flee quickly for our lives. In such a rush, we forgot our papers."

The man cleared his throat and opened up a latch to peer at them. 

"Look at him." Wren quickly motioned to Silas. "See how faint he is? All we need is a place to rest for the night and we will continue onto the sea." 

His gray eyes looked back and forth to Silas and Wren. The gates opened with a groan and Wren wasted no time in grabbing Silas' hand in his and rushing into the town's gates. They were lucky they had survived out in the wilderness for as long as they did. It was only because those creatures of darkness were not present that night, Wren was sure.

Silas tightened his hand in his causing Wren to take his free hand and wrestle out of his strong grasp. 

"The rouse is up. We are far enough to drop the act."


"The show? The guise? Gods, you are hopeless... " Wren pinched his nose and shook his head. "Just pick where you want to stay and eat at already." 

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