The Zodiacs {8}

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<Venus POV>

I turned my head and sure enough there before me were two squiggily outlines of two babies. OMG, I was having twins. She said a few more things but I couldn't get my head around what she was saying. I was still trying to absorb the fact that I was having TWINS. I walked out of the room in a dazed way, and was rushed by the Twins.

"OMG, whats up, is something wrong?" I shook my head.

"Why do you look so pale?"

"T...T....Twins," I stuttered.

"yes we're here." I shook my head and pointed to my stomach.

"Twins." I repeated. It dawned on them. They burst into a flurry of asking if I was ok, and what I was going to do. I was just numb. One I could of dealt with. But two. How would I cope.

"You have to tell him." That broke me out of my reverance. I shook my head again.

"I can't. He will hate me. Just take me home. Please." They nodded and lead me outside to where Scorpio was still waiting. He saw them practically dragging me out and ran to me scooped me up and carried me to the car. It reminded me of that day, months ago when we first fell in love. I burst into tears, because I knew I still loved him, and wished it was different. But I knew I could save him a lot of grief by not telling him. It just hurt. I could hear him askingn the twins what was happening and if I was ok. Like loyal friends they said they had no idea. He took me home but dad wouldn't let him past the front door. "Don't you think you have caused her enough grief," Dad snapped. I felt Scorpio flinch,it was the first time Dad had ever not been nice to him. He placed me on my feet and left. I just slumped against the door sobbing.

"Sweetheart, whats wrong, please tell me." Dad was nearly in tears.

"Dad, Scorpio cheated on me two weeks ago, after proposing too me and yesterday I found out I'm pregnant." Dad joined me slumped on the floor.

"I'm gonna be a Grandpa?" he asked.

"Yes to twins." I whispered.

"Oh GOD, does he know." I shook my head as another wave of sobs racked through my body. "Right Sweetheart you go get some sleep I have some jobs to do." I nodded and headed upstairs. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out cold.

I awoke to the sound of screams, so I ran outside, and froze at the sight. Scorpio was lying on the pavement,bleeding and struggling for breath.

"SCORPIO," I screamed as I ran towards him.

"V...V...Venus," he managed to breath.

"I'm here," I said pulling his head to my lap."Scorpio you have to stay with me, theres so much I need to tell you. I'm pregnant for one, they're yours."

"They?" he asked.

"Yes, they, I'm having twins, we're having twins."

"Twins," He breathed

"Yes, I need you to know I love you, I always have, I was just angry, you have to live so I can be Mrs Scorpio Harlily. Please stay with me," I said sobbing into his hair. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out the ring. My ring. He placed in my palm and then placed his hand on my cheek.

"I love you too, I have always loved you, and always will," he breathed. He smiled, and I leant down to kiss him. After I pulled away, his eyes dull, and I saw something noone else could. I saw red sparks rise into the air from his body. I knew he was dead. But I couldn't accept it. I cried, I threatened and I begged for him to come back, but nothing happened. I knew the truth. I knew he was gone. I remember myself being pulled from his body, and I remember screaming and hitting until finally a set of strong arms pulled me from him. I didn't care who it was, I just sobbed into their chest. I cried for my lost love, I cried for his lost life, but mostly I cried for my childrens loss of a father.

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