The Zodiacs {6}

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<Venus POV>

It was so funny when we came down the stairs that morning, me wearing a pair of Scorpios boxers and one of his old t-shirts, and Scorpio wearing only some tracksuit pants. Their jaws nearly hit the floor.



It was hilarious. Then they saw the ring. "OMG, best friend and our brother. OMG SHE WILL BE OUR SISTER!" They screamed simultaniously.

"You know what this means Ini" said Gem,

"Ofcourse Gem, " said Ini

"PARTYY!!" they yelled simultainiously.

"Oh God," me and Scorpio groaned simultainiously, then we smiled at each other. You may be asking why. Well the twins parties are always extremely loud and some girls got arrested last time. But one the twins got the idea of a party it was stuck there and there was nothing you could do to get it out.

"When?" I groaned.

"How about next weekend?" They said. All I could do was agree. Too be honest, I was kind of looking forward to it. Everyone knowing that Scorpio was off limits forever. That he was mine and I was his.

School was quite tense as the twins had persuaded us not to tell anyone until the party on saturday. So my finger felt empty as I wasn't allowed to wear the ring. By wednesday I had really started to miss it. So when Scorpio came to pick me up for school he had put it on a chain for me to wear around my neck. It was such a sweet gesture. But still I couldn't wait till saturday so I could wear my ring in public. So when the time finally came I took my time getting ready. I wore a red halter neck dress, with black heels and a red bow in my hair. I took relish in slipping my ring once again into its rightful place on my left hand. By the time, I was ready, I could hear the pulsating music from next door. I heard Scorpio knock and enter. I took my time spinning to show him my outfit. He walked over and kissed me hard.

"We could stay here and not go to the party," he murmered against my lips. A very tempting idea, but the twins would kill us, especially as it is "our" party. "We have to go, I would love to stay but we do have to go," I said pulling away. I laughed at his pout and kissed his bottom lip quickly, come on. As we enterd the music cut out, and Gem grabbed hold of the mic.

"Hey everyone, as you know, we never have a party for no reason. This party is no different." Ini stole the mic from Gem and said,

"This is as a matter of fact an engagement party. So welcome the newly engaged couple, our brother Scorpio and our best friend Venus!" A round of applause filled the room.

"lets have the couple have one dance on their own hey." someone shouted, a murmer of agreememt went through the gathering. Scorpio led me through the group to the "dance floor" as Nickelback's Never gonna be alone came on, I smirked at Scorpio as I knew even though he would never admit it to anyone else, this was his favorite song. Throughout the entire song there were flashes from cameras and phones videoing us. As the song drew to an end Scorpio leant down and planted a small kiss on my lips. After we both came up for air the song had finished, and Aaron came up to us.

"Hey hottie."

"Aaron, I am engaged,"

"I know, but your still hott, wanna dance?" I stole a quick glance at Scorpio, he simply shrugged and said, "No funny buisness?"

"No funny buisness," Aaron assured him.

"Then Aaron I would love to dance with you." As I was pulled away to dance I saw Pandora ask Scorpio to dance.

After being passed from guy to guy, to dance, I was exhausted, so I said to the girls I was gonna try and find Scorpio then have a lie down. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find him. In the end, I decided he must of got tierd and gone upstairs aswell. I felt safest going to his room as I didn't want to walk in on anyone and Scorpio has a lock on his door. One he gave me a key to I might add. I opened the door and screamed at what I saw. Scorpio, my Scorpio was having sex with Pandora. How could they betray me like this. "I LoVED YOU!" I screamed "YOU PROMISED NEVER TO HURT ME! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME." I could feel the group of people that had heard my scream gather behind me, the Twins at the front. I didn't care that they could see my pain. I just didn't care anymore. "YOU BITCH!!" I screamed at Pandora, "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE MY FRIEND, I TREATED YOU LIKE A SISTER! I HATE YOU BOTH!! I HOPE I NEVER SEE EITHER OF YOU AGAIN! I HOPE YOU TOO ARE HAPPY TOGETHER YOU DESERVE EACHOTHER!" I said throwing my ring at them. With that I ran back home and cried. I cried until there were no tears left.

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