Kuchisake-onna (3)

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Kuchisake -onna or 'the slit-mouted woman' is a scary Japanese urban legend about a disfigured Japanese who brandishes a long scissor and preys on children. She has an enormous slit mouth wich extends from ear to ear in a horrible, permanent smile.

Kuchisake-onna walks the streets of Japan, wearing surgical mask and haunting for children. If you cross her part she will stop you and ask you a question like "am I pretty? " if you say "yes" she'll take off her mask showing off her huge mouth which is sliced from ear to ear and she'll ask you again "am I pretty now? " if you say "no",she pulls out a huge pair of scissors and kills you immediately, chopping /cutting your head off.

If you say 'yes' she will take her scissors and slices your mouth from ear to ear making you looks just like her. If you try to run away she will hunt you down and kill you by slicing you in tow.

The only way to escape from her is to give a noncommittal answer  . If you say "you look average " or "you look normal " ,she will ve confuse giving you just enough time to run away.

They said that Kuchisake-onna got her horrible disfigured mouth from ther result of plastic surgery that went horribly wrong. Other said that she is an escaped mental patient who was so demented that she cut her own mouth apart.

According to one legend, years ago in Japan there lived a very beautiful woman who has extremely van and self obsessed .Her husban was a very jealous and brutal man and became convinced that she was cheating on him. In a fit of rage, he took a sword (katana)  and slit her mouth from ear to ear, screaming "WHO WILL THINK YOU BEAUTIFUL NOW?!".She became a vengeful spirit and began wondering the streets of Japan, wearing a surgical mask to hide her terrible scars.

The slit mouth woman reign of terror begin in the spring and summer of 1979,when rumors being to spread throughout Japan about sightings of the kuchisake-onna hunting down children. The story spread like wildfire and actually created scares in many town. Police increase their patrols and schools sent teachers to walk students home in group.

In 2004,south Korea was played by reports of a red-masked woman who was chasing children .

In 2007, they found some old record fro the late 1970s about a woman who was chasing little children, but was hit by a car and died shortly after. Her mouth wass ripped from ear to ear.

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