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"Shit, shit shit Shit shit." I say, getting up as Alex fakes me out and knocked me on my ass getting past me. This was obviously just training, so no worries about getting scored on in a manner that'd be detrimental to our already terrible record. We were doing 1v1s to goal, and I just fucked up.

"Come on, Y/N!" Laina, our starting varsity keeper encourages from where she was warming up, in goal. "You're alright!" She continues and I sigh, passing the ball to Alexis before defending against her, and this time, I keep my balance, keep her with me, and meg her before sprinting to the other end of the small grid, scoring finally, and leaving the grid for one of the younger girls on the team to replace me as Alexis stays on.

"Y/N." Rylie says and I look at her, walking over to her when she waves me over. "What's up with you today? You're abnormally normal." She says and I furrow my brow. "You're playing like you're just another girl on the team who isn't going into soccer in the future." Rylie says and I sigh.

"My mind is all over the place. My little cousin came to me earlier telling me that her period is late." I say and Rylie raises an eyebrow.

"Which little cousin?"

"The one that's a year younger than me."

"Do you need to go be with her? Take her to a doctor?" She asks and I sigh, shrugging, so Rylie pushes me away from the team. "Go make sure your cousin is alright. Family comes before anything." She says and I thank her, going over to my bag, changing out of my cleats and into my regular shoes, slinging my soccer bag onto my shoulder after taking my keys out of it and head to my car, getting in, starting it, and driving to my uncle's house.


"Where'd Y/N go?"

"She's got some familial issues to deal with. I sent her to go deal with them. She should be back tomorrow."


Y/N didn't go home last night, I only know because my parents invited Y/N and her dad over to dinner, and only her dad showed up.


"Hello, sorry about that wait." The doctor says, coming into the room with my cousin and I. "Ashley Harris?" She asks and Ashley looks up. "So nice to meet you." The doctor says, holding her hand out to my little cousin, who shakes her hand, trembling. "And you must be Ashley's sister?" The doctor asks, shaking my hand and I chuckle.

"No, I'm just her older cousin." I say and she nods.

"So, Miss Ashley, tell me what's going on."

"My period's late and I'm freaking out." Ashley says and I rub her shoulder.

"Okay, so are you sexually active?" The doctor asks and Ashley nods. "When was the last time you had intercourse?"

"Month and a half ago."

"Protection? No protection?"

"We used protection but it was a cheap condom. It broke."

"Oh boy." I say, and Ashley looks at me.

"Are you on birth control?"


"Alright, we'll get you a test and see what's going on. Sit tight." The doctor says before leaving and I sigh.

"Hey," I say to my younger cousin, who looks over at me. "You're going to be fine. It's nothing." I say and she sighs.

"Let's hope you're right." Ashley says, taking what the doctor hands her and disappears to pee in the cup, when she comes back, a nurse follows her in and takes the cup from her, asking to draw some blood, so I left the room, not very fond of needles. When the nurse came out, I went back in and sat in silence with Ashley. When the doctor comes in, I knew what the paper said.

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