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I groaned as I was shoved against a locker by one of the softball players.

"Watch yourself, Harris." The captain says and I huff to myself as I flinch involuntarily, which makes the girls in front of me laugh as they walk off and I sigh, turning around to look for my locker, I can never seem to remember where my locker is.

"You know, you could take all of them out if you really wanted to." Alexis Duncan, one of the two captains of the girls soccer team says and I sigh.

"Y-yeah, but I would feel bad about the medical bills." I stutter out, flinching when she claps my shoulder.

"That's why I like you, you'd never hurt a fly." Alexis says, walking off, and I sigh as I open my locker, grab my book for my third period, and head straight there, my head down, and my eyes always scanning for someone I could possibly run into, run into the wrong person and I'll get the shit beat out of me.

"Hey, Harris." I hear from behind me, and I sigh, turning around, not really wanting to put up with one of the lacrosse girls at the moment.

"I've already told you, it's only Algebra I, it's not that hard, so no, I won't do your math homework for you, no matter how hard you hit me or how much you offer to pay me." I say, turning around, but stopping when I see Alex Morgan, the girl that lives across the street from me, captain of the girl's soccer team, and Monopoly goddess.

"Damn, and here I thought you'd give your neighbor a freebie." Alex jokes and I sigh, taking the shove that comes my way, falling against the lockers and just sliding down them to sit on the floor.

"What can I do for you?" I ask Alex and she sighs.

"The soccer team needs a manager."


"And you need friends."

"Yes, thank you for that information. Tell me something I don't already know."

"Okay, uh, you're the new girl's soccer team manager, practices are from 4:30-6, Monday through Saturday, and I usually host an optional practice on Sundays after church." Alex says and I sigh.

"Do I get a say in this?" I ask and she smiles.

"Yeah, you get to say thank you at the end of the season when you're the one tossing people into dumpsters and slamming them into lockers. For revenge sake of course." Alex says and I raise an eyebrow at her. "I'll come find you after class and we'll walk to lunch together, you can sit with the team and I." She says, escorting me into my classroom, and I take my seat with my brow furrowed.


"I know, I just, I feel so bad. She has no idea what's going on, she actually thinks that I'm trying to get her friends. I mean, I really am, but still." I say to Alexis as I pace in the locker room for seventh period athletics with Coach Ross.

"What kind of dirt do you even have on Y/N for you to have this type of control over her?" Alexis asks and I smirk.

"None, but if she just thinks I have something on her that I'll expose to the entire school, she'll do what I say when I say."

"And here I thought the softball girls were asses to her." Alexis mumbles and I sigh.

"We need her, Alexis. I've seen her play, she's exactly what this team needs to erase our terrible records these past two years."

"So why don't you just say, 'hey, neighbor, I've seen you playing soccer a few times and I think you're amazing, how about you come try out for the team, I've got the coach up my ass, so getting you a spot on Varsity shouldn't be too difficult.' Instead of doing this to her?"

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