Chapter 2

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(Jesy's P.O.V.)

"Hey." I hear a deep voice say into my ear and I sit up quickly. I look down and I'm butt naked. Oh my god.

"Hey, your going to have to leave. I have to be somewhere this morning." He runs his hands through his hair. My eyes widen when I remember my audition. 

"Holy fucking shit!" I gasp and pull my bra and undewear on that were on the floor. 

"What?" He asks concerned.

"I-I have this thing." I stutter searching for my clothes. 

"Where are my clothes?" I groan. 

"I dont know. It seems like your in a rush. Here, wear these." He throws black sweats and a T-shirt that has a giant 'R' on it. 

"You have no idea how much you just helped me. Thank you." I struggle to get his baggy clothes on. 

"I had fun last night." He smirks. 

"Me too. But, I got to go. Bye." I rush to the front door. I quickly put my combat boots on and open the door. I'm pulled back by my wrist. 

"We should do this again. Call me." He winks and hands me a piece of paper. 

"Thanks. Got to go." I run down the street and flag down a taxi. One stops and I jump in.

I tell the driver the address and he nods. I sigh and sit back. I need to calm down. I'll be fine. I bet I smell like sex. I wish i could have taken a quick shower. Last night was exhausting though. It was rough and dirty. I loved it. I still cant believe it was with Harry Styles though. He was actually attracted to me. Or he just wanted sex. Damn. That never crossed my mind until now. We arrive at the address, so I pay the driver and run inside.

"Name?" A lady asks sweetly.

"Jesy Nelson." I say out of breath.

"Your right on time. They are in the second room to the right. Good luck." She smiles.

"Thanks." I smile back and I search for the room.

I knock and a buff guy opens the door and gestures for me to come in. It's a regular dance studio and there is three other girls and four guys. They are all skinnier than me. Awesome. (Note the sarcasm.) They all smile when I walk in. 

"Okay. You guys have an hour to come up with a routine to a song. Chop chop. Your time starts now." A lady with a tight bun on the top of her head claps. 

"Hi, I'm Jesy. We should probably get started." I laugh. They all nod and we get to work. 

~~~~~A hour later~~~~~~

"Okay. Your guy's time is up. Now you have to preform in front of a few judges and if they like your group you guys get in. Then you get to meet the band you'll be dancing for." She smiles and leads us to a stage and right in front are several people that I suppose are judging us. 

The music starts and we dance just like we practiced. We did perfectly except at the end we all fell over and we started laughing. Well, so much for a gracefully ending. The other three groups come out and we're all standing on the stage nervously. Who are they going to choose? Our group worked so hard on our routine. Even though we did have the little mess up at the end.

"Well, we've made a decision." A judge said. 

"Group four, you got the job." Group four? Oh! That's our group! Our group won! We all jump up and down hugging each other. 

"Why did they get picked?" A girl from another group whined.

"Because, their routine was simply the best. Plus, they looked like they were having the most fun. Therefore, they won." A sassy blonde lady answered. I like her. 

"We won guys. This is what I've been dreaming for years. Finally living my dream." I start to tear up from pure joy. 

"Ditto. This has been my dream since I was five." Perrie sighs in happiness.

"You guys want to meet the band you'll be dancing for?" An old guy asks with enthusiasm. 

"Yes." We all smile widely. 

"Come on out boys." The blonde lady yells and five boys come out from the back. My eyes widen and I turn so they cant see me very well.

My day just went to shit. We're dancing for fucking One Direction. Of all bands. One fucking Direction. I wonder if Harry would even recognize me? Of fucking course he would. Your wearing his clothes. Plus he just saw me this morning. He's not dumb, Jesy.

"Nice outfit." I hear a deep voice from behind me. Well, shit. I turn around slowly and he has a giant smirk on his face that I want to slap off. 

"Fancy running into you here, eh?" He chuckles. I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest.

"Whatever." I huff.

"This isn't going to be awkward for you is it?" He asks actually concerned. 

"Nah. I'll live with it. Only because this is my dream." I say before strutting off in the other boy's direction.

"Hi, I'm Jesy." I stick out my hand but I get tackled into a group hug instead. Okay then?

"I'm Niall. Nice to meet you." He kisses the back of my hand. Awe. Cute.

"I'm Liam. Or you can call me daddy, either way." He winks and then chuckles. He's kinda hot.  

"I'm Zayn." He says fist bumping me. Obviously the mysterious one.  

"I'm Louis. The fun one." He winks. I laugh. 

"And I'm Harry." He smiles cheekily. 

"As you already know." He whispers in my ear causing the hairs on my neck to stand up. I glare at him mostly for being so god damned attractive. Not like he could help it. 

"Ugh. Leave me alone about that." I push him lightly.

"Not until it happens again." He winks. I roll my eyes.

"You wish." I sass.

"Your right, baby. I do wish." He growls playfully into my ear and he grabs my hips bring me closer to him. 

"Uh-um." Someone clears their throat. I look behind me and everyone is looking at us funny.

"Harold leave the poor girl alone." Louis chuckles.

"Yeah, leave me alone. Thank you Louis." I smirk at Harry and go to Louis's side. 

"This isn't over babe." Harry smirks and walks off. Oh, lord help me.

(A/N: The dance routine they did is on the side. Or in the media bar if your using a mobile device. Remember Little Mix does not exist in this story. Thank you for reading! :) <3)

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