Chapter Two:Into the Dragons Den

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Thunder shook the earth outside and rain flooded the roads. The stench of wet Lion-dog and smoke filled the cave as I tried to start a fire with wet branches.

“This is hopeless Fino! Why did he have to go and ruin everything! Why didn’t he listen to me?” Fino tilted his head to the side. “Now not only am I a criminal for what I did, but because now everyone knows what I am! What I did all those years ago.” I sunk down in defeat and Fino whined.

About 4 hours earlier….

The party went on and everyone was having a great time, even the servants.  Emberto’s friends told fantastic stories about the places they’ve seen and about where they came from. Alistair remained pretty quiet about those subjects but talked to me for hours. Then time came for everyone to retire to their rooms.

“I’ll see you tomorrow Kyra.” Alistair said with a warm smile. I nodded and ran back to my room as fast as I could.  It was so hard to suppress my smile. I hummed while I got dressed for bed in the bathroom. Then someone knocked on the door.


“Kyra a note came for you.” I opened the door and Mea handed me the note.

Kyra my sunshine delight

I must see you tonight

Come to the red room

So I may see if my sun outshines the moon

I flipped it over but it didn’t say who it was from. It must be Alistair! 

“Where are you going?” Mea asked.

“Oh, um her Ladyship needs to see me.” I lied. She shrugged and plopped down in her bed. I darted as fast as my legs could carry me until I came to the red room. I fixed myself while I caught my breath then I slowly opened the door. It was dark except for the moon streaming in through the large windows.

“Alistair?” I heard a chuckle from somewhere behind me. I stepped back. I knew that laugh.

“Alistair, eh? Has my Cow-ra fallen for our guest? Such a shame though since he can’t have you.”

“Emberto, what are you talking about? Why did Alisters note tell me to come to your room?”

“I’m talking about the fact that you are mine Kyra and you always will be. And as for the note, I wrote it.” I gasped and took a step back. He strode forward.

“You’re crazy; your mother would never let you marry a nameless servant like me. And I’d never be yours. Not for all the stars in the sky.” I said defiantly. He laughed again and I cringed.

Marry you? I’d never marry a servant, even if you are so beautiful.” He said moving a strand of hair behind my ear. “No Kyra, you will continue to be a servant for me. You will serve me and me alone, and right now I’m in terrible need of some service.” I moved back hitting the mantel of the fire place.

“Get away from me or I-I’ll scream!”

“And who will hear you? We are the only two people in this entire wing.” He laughed darkly and placed his hands on either side of me. Remember. I heard a voice in my head. Remember what you are capable of. An image of a burning village came to my mind. Remember what you did. I saw myself younger. Soilders surrounded me and then flames burst from everywhere. I destroyed that village. Yes, Kyra. I remember, I’m a fire bender. Now free yourself Kyra.

“I’ll tell you one more time to get back.”

“Or what?” He said inches from pressing against me.

Elemental Fate Book One: The Dragon GirlWhere stories live. Discover now