Chapter One: Return of the Fat Brat

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A small light streamed in through the window and dust sparkled in its beam. It was so pretty that I smiled and stretched. I fluttered my eyes and looked around. Everyone was gone.

“NOOOOOOOOOO!” I yelled and sprang up dressing quickly. I continued to get dressed while running down the hallway. I’m up last again!  I sprinted out the door almost knocking people over. “Morning. Sorry. Watch out. Sorry!” I can’t be last because that means-

“Well look who finally woke up?” A hefty old woman snickered. I glared at her and then glared at the rest of my roommates. They all looked around and one even had the audacity to whistle. “Come on now get yur breakfast. You’ll need some strength for all the dishes you’ll have to do.” She said with a big old wrinkly smile. Dishes. I outwardly shuttered and looked over at the towering pile. I hated dish duty more then I hated the young Lord Westwind. And I loathed him.  I swiped my plate and sat at the end of an almost empty table. While I seethed I shot daggers at my roommates, especially the one that whistled. They nervously finished and scattered. Smiling smugly to myself I took my first spoonful of rice-gruel and spit it back out. Mushrooms.  Angrily I threw my bowl at the dish pile and then it proceeded to start falling. Luckily I ran over to stop it. Way to go Kyra.

“When you’re done being so dramatic, I have a gift for you.” I looked over at the word gift. “Grab those dishes and meet me outside.” A little more upbeat I carried all the dishes out to the water pump and trough. I looked around but she was nowhere in sight. “Close your eyes, and hold out your hands.” I did and I something kind of heavy in it. “Now open!” I looked down to see the cutest little cake ever. It even had happy birthday written on it.

“Granny Rhea, thank you so much.”

“Thought I’d forgotten your birthday huh?” I nodded. To be honest I’d forgotten my birthday. “Now Miss Kyra, those dishes won’t clean themselves, but I suppose you can eat your cake first.” She smiled her wrinkly smile and walked back to the kitchen. I sat and gingerly ate my cake. I wanted to savor it but Fino had other plans. Not even half way done with it a big goofy Lion-Dog pounced on me and slobbered all over my face.

“Fino! Get off you lard-butt!” Fino got off and then looked up at me like he’d done nothing wrong. “You want some cake boy?” He thumped his tail and let his tongue hang out.  I threw him the rest of the cake which he noisily scarfed down. Shaking my head I started pumping the water into the trough and laid the dishes in it. I quickly took my hands out because the water was ice cold. Cautiously I looked around to see if the coast was clear. Then I dipped my hands in the water and it began to steam.

“Much better, huh boy?” Fino trotted over and curled up next to me. He was a pretty golden color with a doggish face and a lion mane. He was as big as a lion but with a dog build. His paws, tail and eyes were all cat like but he was like a dog in every other way. He found me when I was little, I had run away because the young lord Westwind was teasing me. He had no family like me and when he got bigger he made sure the young lord left me alone.

“Kyra! Oh Kyyyyyraaaaa!” I groaned. Kimi. She sauntered up to me. “There you are, didn’t you hear me calling you?” She said her hands on her hips.

“Regrettably” I mumbled.

 “What was that?”

“Oh nothing, what can I do for you Miss Koano?” I said putting on my best butt-kissing smile. She looked at me with her rat like eyes.

“Well as you know the young Lord Westwind is returning from officer school.”

“Oh how wonderful.” I said sarcastically.

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