Chapter 1 - Omega

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From 1.01 - Wolf Moon: In the Beacon Hill Preserve, Scott and Haley McCall slowly turned around to see the Alpha.

The Alpha leaped toward Haley.

Haley gasped.

Scott pushed Haley out of the way.

The Alpha landed on Scott, making him fall to the forest floor.

Scott: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf)"

Haley groaned but quickly got up when she heard Scott shouting.

The Alpha grabbed Scott by the leg with his teeth and it was dragging him, growling and bit Scott, making him scream.

From 1.01 - Wolf Moon: On the road, Haley pulled up Scott's hoodie, and shirt, revealing the bite on his side. "Oh, my God."

Scott: (voice over from 1.01 - Wolf Moon) "It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf."

From 1.05 - The Tell: Outside the video store, Ari Martin got three drinks from the vending machine, walking back toward the car.

The Alpha broke out of the window behind her, falling into Ari, making her fall to the ground, the drinks rolling away from her.

Lydia Martin screamed.

Ari landed on her stomach on the concrete, trying to crawl away.

The Alpha got off of Ari, running away.

Lydia climbed out of the car, running to Ari's side, holding out both her hands.

Ari took each, letting Lydia help her up. Lydia instantly pulled her into a hug.

"Are you okay?" Lydia asked worriedly, pulling away. Ari didn't answer, and her eyes trailed down to Ari's bloody side, the teeth holes going through her black leather jacket and blood stained white shirt. "Oh, my God, Ari."

Ari looked down, pulling her leather jacket and shirt up enough to reveal the big, round, circular bite, blood staining her skin and trailing down to the black leggings. She lowered her shirt and jacket in shock and confusion, breathing heavily, looking back up.

Lydia: (voice over from 1.05 - The Tell) "Something bit Ari."

From 1.01 - Wolf Moon: In the McCall House, in Scott's room, Scott and Melissa McCall were talking.

"Is this a party or a date?" Melissa asked.

"Maybe both," Scott answered.

Melissa nodded. "And her name is--?"

"Allison," Scott answered.

Haley walked in.

From 1.01 - Wolf Moon: there were flashes of Scott, Derek and Tara running from the hunters.

Scott was leaning against the tree, looking at Derek. "Who are they?"

"Hunters, the kind who have been hunting us for centuries," Derek answered.

From 1.01 - Wolf Moon: Outside BHHS, a red SUV's car horn honking made Scott and Allison Argent look toward it, the driver climbing out.

"That's my Dad," Allison told him.

The leader hunter, Chris Argent, looked at Scott.

From 1.01 - Wolf Moon: In the Preserve, Chris stepped forward, lowering his crossbow.

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